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video видеоряд Легкая наркомания песочница 
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from STASH on Vimeo.

Stash 111 Preview,animation, stash, magazine, motion graphics, vfx, visual effects, music videos,Enjoy Stash FREE for 30 days and discover the stories behind the work: stashmedia.tv/trial One of our most diverse and striking issues to date, Stash 111 delivers wall-to-wall motion brilliance adding yet another 31 animation, VFX and motion design projects to the Stash Permanent Collection. Also included: 24 minutes of insightful behind-the-scenes features and exclusive interviews with the designers, directors and producers behind the work. Commercials, broadcast design, music videos, brand films, game cinematics and short films, they’re all here in the planet’s largest online video design library and an indispensable creative resource for professionals and students in over 50 countries. http://www.stashmedia.tv/archive/archive_detail.php?refnum=VID111 Edit: Heather Grieve Music: West Coast (Solomun Remix Dub) SUBSCRIBE TO STASH and gain instant access to the largest online library of Animation, VFX and Motion Design: stashmedia.tv/subscribe
video,видеоряд,Легкая наркомания,песочница
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video Felix Colgrave Легкая наркомания

DONKS,Film & Animation,donks,animation,felix colgrave,felix,colgrave,cartoon,ocean plastic,sea life,3d animation,2d animation,short film,experimental,An exploration of ocean plastic, avatars and adaptive bottom feeders. The musical! Also an experiment in pre-rendered graphics. The name comes from
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video Felix Colgrave Легкая наркомания

THROAT NOTES,Film & Animation,,A little story about the backyard critters you might see in Tasmania, and the things they might be doing. https://www.patreon.com/felixcolgrave/
А кем ты аботаешь?
Ну и я говорю, мол «сложно объяснить» и перевожу на другую тему

А чего сложного-то в этом? Сестра, как там эти пиццы?
Почти готовы, Семён Палыч!

Легкая наркомания

А кем ты аботаешь? Сложно объяснить... Ну и я говорю, мол «сложно объяснить» и перевожу на другую тему А чего сложного-то в этом? Сестра, как там эти пиццы? Почти готовы, Семён Палыч!
Stash 108 Preview,Stash, Stash Magazine, animation, VFX, motion graphics, Stash108, music video, short film, game cinematic,TRY STASH FOR 30 DAYS FREE and discover the stories behind the work: http://www.stashmedia.tv/trial

Stash 108 adds another 31 brilliant animation, VFX and motion design

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Stash 108 Preview,Stash, Stash Magazine, animation, VFX, motion graphics, Stash108, music video, short film, game cinematic,TRY STASH FOR 30 DAYS FREE and discover the stories behind the work: http://www.stashmedia.tv/trial Stash 108 adds another 31 brilliant animation, VFX and motion design
[HD] Trippy Animation courtesy of Anthony Francisco Schepperd,Film,,This is the HD version of the Trippy Animation courtesy of the artist Anthony Francisco Schepperd originaly mixed with with "The music scene" of the group "Blockhead's" but mixed then by the youtuber Somthinglikethesun with the

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[HD] Trippy Animation courtesy of Anthony Francisco Schepperd,Film,,This is the HD version of the Trippy Animation courtesy of the artist Anthony Francisco Schepperd originaly mixed with with "The music scene" of the group "Blockhead's" but mixed then by the youtuber Somthinglikethesun with the