Хочу такой же прикид, насколько это плохо? / вопрос :: anon

anon вопрос 
Хочу такой же прикид, насколько это плохо?
This party is so early 21st century.
earttibound plebs everywhere these faggots wouldn't last ten seconds in a zero-g environment
>no solar-proof reflective clothing >no multi-spectrum anti-flare goggles leL enioy your skin cancer and myopia
SMI that nerd Is talking to me again, he must think I
This party is so early 21st century. earttibound plebs everywhere these faggots wouldn't last ten seconds in a zero-g environment >no solar-proof reflective clothing >no multi-spectrum anti-flare goggles leL enioy your skin cancer and myopia SMI that nerd Is talking to me again, he must think I belong to bis kind FOR THE LAST TIME, I AM NOT A STEAMPUNK AND THESE ARENT SKI SHOES I KNEW ISHOULDNT HAVE TRIED COMBINING LUNARCORE AND FIORINACORE next time. Ill try niheicore. these goofninias . in the back might at least appreciate this music sucks they should put on some Volvod or mayhe Vektor Or at least Ziggy Stardust-era Bowie if they're not into that AISO THIS ORINK TASTES LIKE SHIT. I BET IT ISHT EVEN PROCESSEO FROM RECYCUO URINE just wait and see one day, everyone will be dressed like tbis! >tfw no droid gl she'd be my level assistant and follow me in my interstellar adventures I'd ceil her I2P2T IN SPACE, NO ONE CAN KNOW THAT FEEL
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Что за уебичный хипстер?
anon anon 19.06.201521:34 ответить ссылка -0.1
" Ооопа!Ливер вывалился!"
anon anon 19.06.201523:22 ответить ссылка 0.0
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This party is so early 21st century.
earttibound plebs everywhere these faggots wouldn't last ten seconds in a zero-g environment
>no solar-proof reflective clothing >no multi-spectrum anti-flare goggles leL enioy your skin cancer and myopia
SMI that nerd Is talking to me again, he must think I

anon опрос вопрос

This party is so early 21st century. earttibound plebs everywhere these faggots wouldn't last ten seconds in a zero-g environment >no solar-proof reflective clothing >no multi-spectrum anti-flare goggles leL enioy your skin cancer and myopia SMI that nerd Is talking to me again, he must think I