Хейтдом (Hatedom) :: Transfatylvania :: разное

#Хейтдом Transfatylvania 



Transfamiiania aná йогтн Korea is Везт Trans faTíiiiania anô Korea.,Хейтдом,Hatedom,разное,Transfatylvania

Hail Transfatylvania, land of fat and grease
Our diet and Lack of Exercise make us all obese
We Salute the Blue and Black
Even through a heart attack!
a country built on hate and lies
all other countries we despise!
Hail Hail Hail!

Oh Transfatylvania, Her mountains strong and tall
From the barbed wire fence to the firing squad, our country has it all! 
Our industry is Number one ,
In exporting pollution!
Our mighty army fights for us
The water here is poisonous!
Hail Hail Hail!

Hail Transfatylvania, Land of deep fried cheese.
We're friendly with everyone on earth except the Japanese 
Their cartoons are really bad
They make us all very mad
we hate Ponies, and their fans
And all of the Kardashians!
Hail Hail Hail!

The National Anthem of Transfatylvania Full Version,Comedy,The National Anthem of Transfatylvania Full Version,hymn,transfatylvania,fictional,country,national anthem,soviet,parody,spoof,USSR,Anime,MLP,My little pony sucks,bronies suck,Kardashians,rant,song,musical,Comedy,Soviet Union (Country),Russian,Russia (Country),Funny,MP3 HERE: https://soundcloud.com/gruntchovski-von-veizatun/the-transfatylvanian-national We've saved The best for last (of 2013) It's the FULL VERSION of the Hymn of Transfatylvania, sung by the fearless leader himself...Generalissimo Grunt! Composed/sung/mixed by me! Lyrics: Hail Transfatylvania, land of fat and grease Our diet and Lack of Exercise make us all obese We Salute the Blue and Black Even through a heart attack! a country built on hate and lies all other countries we despise! Transfatylvania Hail Hail Hail! Oh Transfatylvania, Her mountains strong and tall From the barbed wire fence to the firing squad, our country has it all! Our industry is Number one , In exporting pollution! Our mighty army fights for us The water here is poisonous! Transfatylvania Hail Hail Hail! Hail Transfatylvania, Land of deep fried cheese. We're friendly with everyone on earth except the Japanese Their cartoons are really bad They make us all very mad we hate Ponies, and their fans And all of the Kardashians! Transfatylvania Hail Hail Hail! See you in 2014!

Transfamiiania aná йогтн Korea is Везт Trans faTíiiiania anô Korea.

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Хейтдом,Hatedom разное

DOTA 2 Рекомендую Проведено в игре: 758.4 ч. ОПУБЛИКОВАНО: 15 ЯНВАРЯ Такое ощущение, будто вас заперли в комнате с 9 даунами, но вскоре выясняется, что даунов в комнате 10.