The Lanzarote Effect,Lanzarote, Canary Islands, 7stories, Magic lantern, RAW, 5D mark III, Canon, / landscape :: vimeo :: canary islands :: видео (video)

видео vimeo canary islands landscape 

The Lanzarote Effect,Lanzarote, Canary Islands, 7stories, Magic lantern, RAW, 5D mark III, Canon, Glidecam, HD4000, landscape, volcano, Island, themusicbed, staff pick,The Lanzarote Effect by Lea Amiel and Nicolas Libersalle. With 6 other filmmakers from all around the world, we were chosen to make shorts films about the canary islands : 7 filmmakers, 7 islands, 7 stories. The Island which was assigned to us is Lanzarote: a small volcanic island. So we went there for a week and tried to show the beauty of this special island…here is the result. Hope you'll enjoy it! Thanks for watching ;) Follow us on Facebook : // Subtítulos español disponible ! Muchas gracias Javier Geronimo Hernandez para este ! // Please take a look on the videos of the 6 other filmmakers in the group Islas Canarias 7stories : We'd like to thank especially Patricia Betancort & Jose Riverol, our incredible hosts during this week in Lanzarote, all the team of 28 y medio for this great adventure and also all our fellow filmakers who are incredibly talented ;) We shot this video with a Canon 5D mark III and Magic Lantern, in RAW mode. Sound design is only made in postproduction, RAW doesn't allow you to record sound. Music from The Music Bed Rise by Tony Anderson - Nostalgia by A. Taylor - Kings by Ryan Taubert -
видео,video,vimeo,canary islands,landscape
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