Мюсли Лаврова 1_аугоуМиезН 43 мин Очередное шокирующее расследование западных журналистов! "Китай может использовать море, чтобы прятать там подлодки" Yufcn f*« an arfi-wriace gun batter, t«t rrrjrth ***4 tutcnn *rth Singapore j nwy m th* South China Sea Some analysts fear CNna я e<evat>ng as pretence «n the tea to в сю conceal itt шЬтюпа I- ASIA I nuaJ China may be using sea to hide its submarines and certainly no« to further militarize outposts m the South China Sea. The South China Sea - bounded by Vietnam, China. Taiwan. Japan, the Philippines and Malaysia la one of the world '» most important shipping lanes. — U luiUl nudeax-powered. It ai»o has at least three nuclear-powered submarines capable of launching ballistic missile* and is plan-nine to add five more, according to a Pentagon «port released last year In an April media brief-¿„gin Washington-a top^ that developed by the United Sates tad Ruuu Itx submarine program is a major part of that push. Since wbmarines can often avoid detection, they are less vulnerable to a first-strike attack than land-based intercontinental ballistic missiles or United Sute» wa» easily tracking their «utanarme* in the open ocean. So the Soviets created heavily «toed and fortified zooe* for thee «ta to operate as dose to the United State» as poutble. - One was m the Wtate Sea of northwest Russia snd the other was »the Sea Ы
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