The Slowpoke Song,Gaming,Pokémon,Pokemon,Slowpoke,Slowpoke song,Slowpoke Reggae,Slowpoke reggae s / Slowpoke (Слоупок) :: наркомания

Slowpoke наркомания песочница 

The Slowpoke Song,Gaming,Pokémon,Pokemon,Slowpoke,Slowpoke song,Slowpoke Reggae,Slowpoke reggae song, Celebrate Slowpoke's debut with the official Slowpoke Song! Want to sing along? Check out the lyrics below, and don't forget to visit the Pokémon Center for the latest Slowpoke gear! Official site: Pokémon Center: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: The Slowpoke Song Lyrics Slow slow slow Ah-oo what's your story, Slowpoke? Slow slow slow Ah-oo what's your story, Slowpoke? Every night, you're the one Dreams of waking with the sun But you sleep in 'til noon (Slowpoke) Your pink hue Is your color, through and through I can see it's the real you (Slowpoke) Your big mouth Like a supermarket door Open seven/twenty-four (Slowpoke) Your sweet tail sap Is a yummy yummy snack We're hungry and we want more (Slowpoke) You're so slow, that Your picture never blurs The speedometer concurs (Slowpoke) Slow slow slow Ah-oo what's your story, Slowpoke? Slow slow slow Ah-oo what's your story, Slowpoke? Lose your tail, that's all right It'll grow back someday That's really cool (Slowpoke) Dopey Pokémon, the Category they settled on Too bad for you (Slowpoke) What word starts with "S" And ends with letter "E"? It's obviously…(Sunstroke) You fish with your tail But you're too slow when they bite And so they swim out of sight (Slowpoke) Your slow-motion roll has got a lot of soul It's your cruise control (Slowpoke!) Slow slow slow Ah-oo what's your story, Slowpoke? Slow slow slow Ah-oo what's your story, Slowpoke? You yawn a single time Down comes the rain sublime If the famous legend is true But you've been yawning all day long And the blue skies aren't gone You've got some explaining to do A Shellder bites your tail And then you become a Slowbro That's a dopey evolution (Slowpoke) Everywhere you go There are Slowpoke passing through Maybe there's one right behind you (Slowpoke) Plodding, poky, sluggish, tardy, so late you're early (Slowpoke) Slow slow slow Dude, what's your deal, Slowpoke? Slow slow slow Ah-oo what's your story, Slowpoke? A great big Berry fell Bonked you on the head But you feel no pain (Slowpoke) Your ears curl in—there's a reason, you said What was it again? (Slowpoke) You just said "SLO" Did you feel that Berry only just now? You're really somethin' (Slowpoke) Someday you'll be Slowbro, or maybe even Slowking Or you'll just keep bein' (Slowpoke) Stand in a ring Bite your buddy's tail for lunch What a happy looking bunch Slowpoke! Slow slow slow Ah-oo what's your story, Slowpoke? Slow slow slow Slowpoke!
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