■ ■ Marigold at the Farm " All rxgKt," muI Shirley. ” Herr'» mr U Ыв window. Mid Anita. Sha/lcy; / арт барышня (арт девушка, art барышня, art girl) :: красивые картинки :: иллюстрация :: Loui Jover

красивые картинки арт барышня Loui Jover иллюстрация 
■ ■
Marigold at the Farm
" All rxgKt," muI Shirley. ” Herr'» mr U<i« *	b°,h" lL 'S" Г™ 0,1 MomUf, A.W
' Nfn Ann» mrhol homr, «hr went up 10 krr own worn, n( down 11 Her wriilnR Ublr, «м&Н •hr Ы«с rintchooV. *nd aippnt hrr pc, In (hr
" Fint R*reditfon thf Яии«Ыу a,Ib ",
V*" «We as , title, nid
■ ■ Marigold at the Farm " All rxgKt," muI Shirley. ” Herr'» mr U<i« * b°,h" lL 'S" Г™ 0,1 MomUf, A.W ' Nfn Ann» mrhol homr, «hr went up 10 krr own worn, n( down 11 Her wriilnR Ublr, «м&Н •hr Ы«с rintchooV. *nd aippnt hrr pc, In (hr " Fint R*reditfon thf Яии«Ыу a,Ib ", V*" «We as , title, nid ihen .he drew a line wilh ' ^ сЫк brl"w «• ’• Klrv Elpedllion ol the tnirxhy Club." «he trod, tnd .he dipped her to «he ink igiin. After ihli .he КчЛ the *'*** Kill out of her ihoppInR-Kij; .nd made the •now Ы1, ,„d ih.l m.de her feel .t> .leepy (hit . * r-‘WnM *rd rawnexl .nd her eye, kepi .hut *,l'8‘ Seizing her pen once more .tie IroutpKl 'Vry мvcrely ind begin to ли»; ЬиелМшШ lud put down only .i. %гок1, vh.0 IrtLWlett^a The Saturday CJ ting ■ bowl of goldfirb lit i i. . good Mreet, ShirleyJ i, it’» my f.roorlle," »» i rried on u> get » good vil who ni .hirpening * p»4 t/» wife, keeping the ti« and .ending »p*rk» of fire The Saturt '*• berauie (iirre ire I Shuley, •• though » > Ыв window. Mid Anita. Sha/lcy; and of ibe knife-Ы tdtBurt for lie going with from llic rente*» girl» In It,” г of them, such at If «Шy” n this conversation; •I die end ahe pul i aighed contentedly ,lca I’ve ever )ud in jiriatine Maclean, arc an I Marigold look no per Г ncithrf did Anna, ui }Wn her knife and fork M «Id, " П1» it (he b. ” 1VII me albout Лп1ци «‘‘1 Aunt Mir, ukjng off the icAHOiy |nd pouring out the cm. ” And Mangnld, wnkrji up and hare something to <ut initcad of jutl dripnting." Anna looked at MaHgold with turpriec, for It teemed »uch a waifc to drennt ju»l на you *at dovm to high lea wiihVbim and rgg pica, hot loin, firm butter, honty, ayrup loaf and ehort-hrrid. *n№ r ’ • " DenU,” tala fehtrley, “ (a my oldest brother, t.Huupauiot »«ф vivaui •аащонт pur ‘азфоис aimtiMur 4Plwp 1щ>пч »djM« pus dn toi(« )t|9i| ujipjJ^WeSo * Wum) aqi Mopq uappiq duirj it^j3 t qBnoqi «у *iq» эф uj iwdd». -ошос 'uuou WJJ4 l>rM 'Р!Я* t^ay *«лс<|*3ишэу ^ дф uo moqa pa:nmoq iajjxqg pur саидаВВЗарэц lit) jt join Эф jua* ‘spiaJ ‘эрш ^piVJ *3urq 48utq 'flinrfl ’рноа qjvp Эф umop ^uiqina •piwo,,* pue ртэц 10) рэко) iuod э\)з put '•'сшч)19 d4) foinoq» el|uo Uoa uo jaQ u •• Actually, nld Sharley. Tnthe paiMgc, and ^ rettr* in the bottom г - -^^,1 44 The Saturday Club rode in/4 said Anna in a loud, cxdtcd voice. ” Fi<A-c»rt ?” »iid Mr». Shioki. "Id your yd low drew?’' M Wc were chaiing the potato-cart,'* add Anna, '• because my slipper» hid been given away by mistalce: and there wtre pink lights awiahlng .lbout tdl over the aky and they mean that lome-thing's gping to happen. And the pony'a shoe c:.n\c *^T—not the grey pony’s, but the piebald’* -and everything fell out. Oh, and Shirley Ьл\ a dimply lovely bath in her bouse,” " Your iM/ipirri'9 said her mother. Anna’s voice bccime much smaller—in fact almost its usual sire. She began to expliin about everything, and it was difficult By the dmc she hid finished her voice was very tmAll indeed. >6 The Saturday Club " There's the ecwing-machinc,” said Anna. And Shirle}*, there's my writing-table,” " ^re you allowed to use the acwing-machinc?" u No.” " ^1C writing-ttble your very own, Anna?” The Saturday Club thought not I" laughed the woman, you did it jolly dinner, he knew, wa to be his favourite—roatj pork with apple aauc and potato-bulb. He had just been thinking about this, dreamily and contentedly, when, slowi g up because of the crowd on the roadway, he looked out and saw with surprise hi» daughter Anna seated on a herring-box on the top of a filb-cart, bawling with excite- CHAPTER VI Next-door Neighbours On Mondir morning Ann» ran ilraort all (he way to school, and Sharlcy, coming from the opposite direction, met her juit at the gates. " The snow-norm?" .he called. ” Hive you remembered it?” Y«, I've got it,” said Anna. ** Rut Sharley, listen I I'm coming to live next door to youl” " Next door Г cried Sharlcy. ” D’you mean for aluip? Anna, is it true?” ^es, it is, aaid Anna; and her smile began to go round almost to the back of her head again. Jbji what we needed 1” said Sharley, snatching Anna's arm. *' My dear Anna, 1 must aay we art lucky 1 Now we don’t only need to do things together on Saturdays—wc can do them every day. How soon arc you coming?” ” Whenever the painting and papering’s done.” ” How simply marvellous I” said Sharley. Anna thought to too. She had that special kind of happiness inside that you get just before say,” said Sharlcy, that hen’e the Beans'—they lost her r, and we wrre keeping her safe for uhlV said the woman you ire j[ wail and draw on that. I’m not. I much better if l drew on the wall and at a writing-table,” " I have an artistic temperament, that's why I'm allowed to draw on walls. I've done some pictures on the scullery wall for Jcinnie to look at while she’s washing the dishes. I got the idea from the Beans' atable.” Late in the afternoon the vins rattled off empty down the terrace, leaving behind them straws that blew about in the wind; and Anna's mother’s cook got the fire on in the kitchen. " I’ve got to go in now,” said Anna, blowing on her cold hands. " I expect you'd better not oak me to tea the 6r»t night,” said Sharlcy. 41 No, Mother aaid I wasn't to,” said Anna. " Ail right. Walk with me to school tomorrow. I start at half-past eight.” )■* shoe, the min sap,” ■ley, for she was р.оъ :Bthit the felt this wa: ftrleу wa* just helping Mhing. / know what h< flippers. Ha, ha, ha I A tact, when she just wen Could be all thia.” AnC It the road, which wa: and fish, and crowdec J fish-man, two ponies' Ь»1г. Shanks—who bac 'needn’t come with me,” said the woman, this is the way we’re going anyway/' ” #c don't really know that it ut Sharley,” say Anna. ” Ask her the way back to town.” Ж* Noe just now, Anna, because we don’t really (want to know that just now.” ” I do/' said Anna. ” If wc leave her, she'll just wring that heo’s neck, I expect.” “ Well, most hens have their necks wrung some time.” “ We're its guardians juit now, though,” said Sharlcy. This, of course, was true, and Anna sighed and hurried. Inside the pram crouched the speckled hen, much annoyed. It was dark in there, and crowded. Гг; i-'okBjj ? trr’.vr. wrOrl with thie po| rwo carts, at now got out ” And when we got into the Car and my afipper-btg/1 ahe aald^t ” there w one slipper. But wc found a lucky hor instead.” - Where?” said Juditk ” On the floor of the car Г ” Huhl Someone must have dropped it ” Let’s tee it,” «dd liobeL ” I can't,” said Anna. « I ga*r it со because she is ao awfully nice.” 8> The Saturday Club madly flapping wing», but always gabbling at the pitch of her voice, she made headlong for the Shah of Pcrtia'a battle-steed that raced to meet her. Just escaping his hoofs, she leapt into the air with a screech of triumph and alighted on the cop of a garden wall by the ride of the roid. The dock stopped as suddenly as it hid begun, and the tinker woman, getting the pram on to its wheels again, bundled everything back into it and made off, running, into the fir wood. The piebald pony came to a standstill. To see him standing there in the rain, so meek and so thoughtful, you might have imagined thit he was repeating a pony hymn to himself; you would certainly never have guested that he bad a decorated stall and a red and gold saddlecloth, or thit he had won three thousand medals. ” Here she is, Mr. Bean I” cried Sharley. ” Your hen 1” The pony threw back hi* heid^fif this were i\most amusing speech, an^K^hed loudly; im the ben, vjkh a startb^bCluckl” sprang M\iauarp mSSiq jy *Jtj t uaita peq \ qsus j -тт]0»тр Jno inoqx ij«d t „ тииу pres ,/aou jnoqe LiSunq jaB iotp wdra ) и машо эф jmf si snp oa ji par 'Sotuoao spirmoj ino эшео Xaq> loodxa | -ррм Ъио оээ» ja.vau эл4| 'aiou^ noi '3vjtit[d pur poo a* эф ui jnoqt Зшииги asnf—xoj о) эао| ijdtuu pjnoja ] ‘aunts эф \[y *Jэц ia8 l.opyp aoj )гф pc|3 mf| *sn oj dpq асэаЗ t |jua qaiqa* ‘ieja Эф MOiq o> suiaas эц§ M •3uiq9nr| 1э|пя§ P!** ,aixuxiV ‘u0 эшо^ M •oqsnq uiqM риг *ээл ag iq аэфо эф ао рае 4э8рэц ipaaq е риг qaJfp т эр« эао ао parapjoq sta qaiqaa p«oj e ujaop jpo paqaiTUi aqs 4Atai pyiajerio « m uri3e qvea эф uo qatq iooj J3q 3upx;d *pue ^[рэррэр ij3.\ pres 3qs ,jrB/D .. -‘«nuiui « joj J3q jnoqe 1ц1фч5пс>Ф P**!00! d4S >! РРЧ P*1* ant эф oja; joaj эио рэетпл apq p3pp^ds 3qx tuuv P'T* e,|«PV .. 4,'lUUV Я)8поф ‘ujuj рооЗ e шэф Suiop 3q ррюл* ц n ,,’шэф о* ^atq JI эцгз OJ ЗиюЗ Ji* эгс aa „ Чииу pit» ,/цэд^ „ ^^-ргт» Эф •pop(»dg p>s паХ p ‘4»атэд эф s4j| lmoipAjrm Jtф j.usi „ 4iapeqs РГ" ..^«V .» qnj3 icpjnjES ЭЦХ cl put aqs it ‘Xajitqg pres „‘aaeq aai *o^ M ..**4 шол) эшоэ цлЗ cuo noi aAtyj M -osnoi) эф spjtaooj 10U ipjejt r ojui Bin^raaq ‘ajryj juny pw» oj uj Зио(т ЭШ03 i3as iaaa 8upja3 s#jj M •ooimjuoa и; muy pit» ,/Xiao* *qo M •p103urW ргт» „Мп ШЧ5 „ -pajadtrqji aqg 4(jpaqs-jooj эф ui Smop noi эаэи кц.\\ •jvaJ3jui 3sajС01З аф фих *тф paipjtj* tиuy *зрэи aaq uo pur aarj aqi ui quid аэфи aiaad aqs иэф рое *р105и*]^ pir» t<lpaqs-jooa Эф uj м 4|*гпг|3 JO jiq X uo JI jiu jsnf j qQ M •Э1ТХ JvmV Р!« ./3и!Рээ1Я *.Ч зод „ •ptoSutjM pret ./auiRiox „ W}{ juny Jaq paqsr t^raSug jnoi oj эиор noi aaeq Jtq^ M •poojq эф paxpjtJA put фпош аэц jo jtvo >1 qooj иэф 4аэЗид лэц рэзрп* ai)g *шэф jo 13ф1э jt qooj jou pip pioSutj^ uurj pjo3urj^ Atand that you have very kindly bf mine from the tinker»?” said ley and Anni. istakc,” said Anna. ” We didn’t about you.” d Sharley, '* it's all right We've urn to the wrong person, that's •euay ' said Anna with relief, cracked his whip; the piebald ,is head so that hi* bell jingled, Id for borne. he going tecs” Sharlcy. ” At fcwc must. That is if you can tell >sna: pony shr-ОкШ and the}- sti* ” Wc roul leas.t I «.ируЯ ш the way.” w 41 Marigold J «id the lidy We’d be very with u*.” ” Thanks a\ she and Aon» > 1 are just going to have tea,” blue. ” I’m her Aunt Kate. Ld if you'd stay and have tea ’ said Sharley. And both and looked at Marigold. 18 The Saturday Club '* Why doc* your mother want to give him у old skirt?” " It’s for one of his children. He has heal said Sharley. ” Mother's been looking oJ our old sweaters and wcollies and thing^ Jeunnie'll give them to him now when the р-.ГАГ'.х-v I cipr.i Jrinnie'll ггикг^Ш^/ cveri-jc, Ьг.-iuTf it’t my birthday *' ** Yours 1: 2 nice house ” slid Л " N« nc rroxc*. totrcc ir our I supj.^r Г11 *.imph AJ'.v СО Кл:..П1.г, rcr it rr.utt be 1 cr.r'.v now.” г i * v v.' г • • 'i шШШШ • ■ i ' у >' > Л i ' 1^ИШго111 coic-pixkct. ■■ .\f ri." ■' » ^к|!!|этЯ into vc-jr •lippcml" ДиВИШЯ 'f. - I “It.’** " ‘л•1 «'• • «- *^/' -••- 'Мр-ЩмЁ Kill, I tbir,lu" * ]. .1- ■ • • ’ - i • ' л; ■' 50 The Saturday Club borseshoe out of Shirley’s hand while Sharley waa coming to help Anni. " Ha-Ad 1” shouted Mary Taylor. M Let’s sec it,” said Chriitine, tnd all the girls crowded round, Eleanor last, because she was alwap late for everything. 41 Huhl” said Christine. 41 It’s the kind of thing you get in a plum-pudding.” ” Well, that’» not where we got it, so there,” *aid Anns, snatching the horseshoe back again. \p\ then they settled down for their nature study wesson. Meinwhile, Shirley’s mother sent a very polite letter to Anna’s mother saying how sorry she WO about Anna's slipper»; and in reply Anna’s mother sent a very polite letter saying that of course this fort of thing was a pity but that she supposed it could not now be helped. But Jcannie told Shirley where the potato-man lived. She knew, because her cousin who worked on the boats had once told her that Tom Bean lived in a cottage not fir from the sea, near a wood and beyond the gas-works. He had a garden with flower» in it, the cousin said, and his children were as impudent as wild cats. ” Don't forget, Anna,” Slid Sharley in class one day near the end of the week, ” that on not muci ijiturally wished « Very unwillioj got in; and they hive continued bores; but com “ Cll./.w »• .1 onaricy, ac cushions with a I've ever gone to ". I *-ish, tho thought of picks: have been lying aaid Sharley, ” that I’d the pony's shoe. It must e road somewhere, and a lucky thing to have lbout; Щр 1 ЦНГ' - ■ 10 and fro. К her hair and ging—loud, slow 'ivc* too, running And then Anns, p Iir.cn hag, gave a cf] for the bag was partly 1 r i > °r'c him, walk-ts over the He has a (Saturday Cl He Saturday Club on lio.ird, but Shsrlcy was only * ” Isn't it lovely?” said Sharley, and, pick up, she held it in her hand and carefully tur to and fro. Then she turned it right-way up a and behold I inside that bill it was snowing White flakes of the very smallest siic fell »td all over the houte, the rocks, and the fir treJ ” Oh, Sharlcy,” said Anna, 41 that’# the rj thing I’ve ever seen I” They stood there, gaiing into the tiny s| ing world. Down, down, down, come the \ Now—(or their eyes were growing uied ■ ihe Eicon*—'.omc word* appeared, chalked iIk^B the piebald pony's stall. ” The Shah bittJe steed and racer ”, they read. ” His three thousand medals ”. And again, ” Speed-king. Do not touch ”. There were also on the walls chalked pictures of horses, hunting-dogs, bulls and other animals for the steed and racer to look at when be had nothing else to do; and this wu such a good idea that Shuley and Anna, examining the pictures, did not notice cautious noises outside. *' Horse-stcalcrsI Horse-thieve»I Surround the royal table, men I” shouted • voice suddenly. The door banged shut, and three boys’ faces appeared at die window. ” Thieves and bindilsl” they yelled. ” Your end it nigh I” M Don't bang on to me, Anna,” cried Shuley. ” I tslJ you wc oughtn’t to come in,” cried Anna. Shuley shook her off and rushed st the door7 bat die boys had left the window and were huhl* JB 'i ;• \ 'v' '4 ЧчiP**' ■4 tie* 54 '■Вд|Ка ^ < г YШЫУ >1 л >■'* *ЧЯ В® v Тн > 3kr cGfify J They went contentedly along, ing; and flocks of chaffinches, sheltering from 11 her, diough?” ‘ 1'! » , • i ^ ! ' • v.pl 1 *• klu k, .1. ■ ^^crol, (lifting from tiglit to lrlt ИГ. ” Cluck, cluck, cluck------------” and I the road, ran round a whin buih and patch of nettles, and sprang on to a
красивые картинки,арт барышня,арт девушка, art барышня, art girl,Loui Jover,иллюстрация
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