Сижу, сервак на BES12 ковыряю. / BlackBerry Enterprise Service :: BES12 :: geek (Прикольные гаджеты. Научный, инженерный и айтишный юмор)

BES12 BlackBerry Enterprise Service geek песочница удалённое 

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X BES12 Self-Service X О History	X \\	\	В - I о II	x
Sltbttps:// " _ '/admin/index.jsp		☆	—
Pi Policies and tJ profiles
ППП Apps
Щщ hi
★ ▼	± ▼ Log out Help ж
►	0	ГГ policies 2 IT policies	+	
►	S	Email 0 profiles	+	
►	fi	IMAP/POP3 email 0 profiles	+	
►	©	Activation 1 profile	+	

V/ Dashboard 00 Users Groups
Policies and profiles
ggg APPS
^=1 Audit
0 Allow Bluetooth PB ★ T - ▼ Log out Help ▼ 0 Allow Bluetooth SPP 0 Allow NFC 0 Allow microphone 0 Allow audio recording 0 Allow video recording 0 Allow Media Transfer Protocol (MTP)

V/ Dashboard 00 Users Groups
Policies and profiles
ggg APPS
^=1 Audit
0 Allow tethering	★ ^ | ± * | Log out Help ▼
0 Allow Bluetooth tethering 0 Allow USB tethering 0 Allow Wi-Fi tethering
KNOX Premium - Device
Security and privacy 0 Allow other device

 BES12 X BES12 Self-Service X О History X \\ \ В - I о II x Sltbttps:// " _ '/admin/index.jsp ☆ — Pi Policies and tJ profiles ППП Apps Щщ hi ★ ▼ ± ▼ Log out Help ж ► 0 ГГ policies 2 IT policies + ► S Email 0 profiles + ► fi IMAP/POP3 email 0 profiles + ► © Activation 1 profile + ► Enterprise connecti... 1 profile + ► P® Device SR require... 0 profiles + ► <5- Wi-Fi 0 profiles + ► Q VPN 0 profiles + ► 1 Proxy 0 profiles + ► S Compliance 1 profile + ► Q Device 0 profiles + ► E3 CalDAV 0 profiles + ► m CardDAV 0 profiles + ► IF© Enterprise Manage... 1 profile + ► Ф Web content filter 0 profiles + ► Й Web icon 0 profiles + ► <? Location service 0 profiles + ► App lock mode 0 profiles + ► Single sign-on 0 profiles + ► CA certificate 0 profiles + ► ®) Shared certificate 0 profiles + ► & User credential 0 profiles + ► SCEP 0 profiles + ► Certificate retrieval 0 profiles + ► •СШЗ OCSP 0 profiles + ► CRL 0 profiles + ► Managed domains 0 profiles + ► 0 Custom payload 0 profiles + ► rv e AirPrint 0 profiles + ► и AirPlay 0 profiles + ► 22 Network usage 0 profiles + [f=) Add an IT policy © Name Description BlackBerry iOS OSX Native OS Password requirements Unspecified Q Disable camera О Require storage encryption KNOXMDM Password requirements Numeric Minimum password length Maximum numeric sequence length Maximum inactivity time lock minutes Maximum failed password attempts Password history restriction Password expiration timeout 0 Allow password visibility Mow Bluetooth A , . , Активация Windows 0 Allow Bluetooth A2DP r ^ чтобы активировать Windows, 0 Alow Bluetooth А>^^йдите в компонен- 0 Allow Bluetooth HFP )азле 0 Allow Bluetooth HSP 0 Allow Bluetooth PBAP 0 Allow Bluetooth SPP________________________________ 15:34
/*4 <40 V V/ Dashboard 00 Users Groups Policies and profiles В □□□ ggg APPS ^=1 Audit у Settings 0 Allow Bluetooth PB ★ T - ▼ Log out Help ▼ 0 Allow Bluetooth SPP 0 Allow NFC 0 Allow microphone 0 Allow audio recording 0 Allow video recording 0 Allow Media Transfer Protocol (MTP) 0 Allow USB host storage 0 Allow users to modify the Settings app 0 Allow date and time changes 0 Force automatic time sync 0 Allow OTA updates 0 Allow VPN 0 Allow Wi-Fi Direct 0 Allow multiple user accounts 0 Allow adding email accounts 0 Allow Google auto-sync 0 Allow sending crash reports to Google Apps 0 Allow Google Play 0 Allow Android Backup Service 0 Allow S Voice 0 Allow browser cookies 0 Allow autofill setting 0 Enable JavaScript 0 Enable pop-up browser setting 0 Allow installation of non Google Play apps 0 Allow incoming MMS 0 Allow incoming SMS 0 Allow outgoing MMS 0 Allow outgoing SMS 0 Allow phone Security and privacy 0 Require fast encryption 0 Require internal storage encryption 0 Require SD card encryption 0 Allow screen capture 0 Allow developer mode 0 Enable USB debugging 0 Allow users to modify the mock location 0 Allow firmware recovery 0 Allow factory reset Tethering 0 Allow tethering 0 Allow Bluetooth tethering 0 Allow USB tethering 0 Allow Wi-Fi tethering KNOX Premium - Device Security and privacy 0 Allow other device administration apps 0 Require certificate revocation (CRL) check for apps 0 Enable NIAP Common Criteria functionality Password requirements KNOX Premium - Workspace Активация Windows Чтобы активировать Windows, перейдите в компонент панели .... J, управления "Система". Minimum password length Numeric Maximum inactivity time lock
/*4 <40 V V/ Dashboard 00 Users Groups Policies and profiles В □□□ ggg APPS ^=1 Audit у Settings 0 Allow tethering ★ ^ | ± * | Log out Help ▼ 0 Allow Bluetooth tethering 0 Allow USB tethering 0 Allow Wi-Fi tethering KNOX Premium - Device Security and privacy 0 Allow other device administration apps 0 Require certificate revocation (CRL) check for apps 0 Enable NIAP Common Criteria functionality KNOX Premium - Workspace Password requirements Numeric Minimum password length 4 Maximum inactivity time lock minutes Maximum failed password attempts 10 Password history restriction Password expiration timeout 0 Minimum number of changed characters for new passwords 0 0 Allow keyguard customizations 0 Allow keyguard trust agents 0 Allow password visibility 0 Enforce two-factor authentication Device functionality 0 Allow camera 0 Allow Bluetooth 0 Allow NFC 0 Allow microphone 0 Allow audio recording 0 Allow video recording 0 Allow users to modify the Settings app in the KNOX Workspace 0 Allow adding email accounts 0 Allow Google auto-sync 0 Allow sending crash reports to Google Apps 0 Allow Google services 0 Allow browser cookies 0 Allow autofill setting 0 Enable JavaScript 0 Enable pop-up browser setting Security and privacy 0 Allow screen capture in KNOX Workspace 0 Allow work files into the personal space 0 Allow "Share via" list □ Allow non-secure кеура^ти ВациЯ WindoWS 0 Allow personal files in the KNOX Workspace ^ D dO .VS 0 Enable work and personal data synchronization r-i «= т . ^ о * v-^равления "Система". 0 Enable Trusted Boot verification 0 Require certificate revocation (CRL) check for apps Cancel
BES12,BlackBerry Enterprise Service,geek,Прикольные гаджеты. Научный, инженерный и айтишный юмор,песочница,удалённое
Еще на тему
Комментарии 9 23.02.201614:54 ссылка -0.1
В чем суть скриншотов BES12 Self-Service с пиратской винды?
Кто сказал, что она пиратская? Свежая винда, еще не активировал просто.
Твоя совесть :)
Radio Radio 23.02.201615:16 ответить ссылка 0.0
satyr_5 satyr_5 23.02.201615:19 ответить ссылка -0.8
Очень удобная винда, эта 2012
на самом деле у 2012 есть плюсы над 2008.
да, за исключением интерфейса
Расскажи как это пощупать?
Toni510 Toni510 25.02.201607:59 ответить ссылка 0.0
Только зарегистрированные и активированные пользователи могут добавлять комментарии.
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One morning you wake up find out you have access to God’s developer console. What’s the first thing you do with this power? Discussion ♦ 154 + W 479 & Share ^ BEST COMMENTS ▼ I like forks • 5h hehe3301 • 7h sudo rm -rf oceans/*/contents/ *.plástic sudo rm -rf people/*/*.cáncer sudo rm -rf v