Atlas, The Next Generation / coub (Сoub) :: atlas :: Boston Dynamics

Boston Dynamics coub atlas песочница 

Atlas, The Next Generation
Boston Dynamics,coub,Сoub,atlas,песочница
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BY EPISTAFY KOTLOV Русский инженер 2 Atlas Rise of the machines Atlas, The Next Generation,Science & Technology,robot,legged locomotion,dynamic balance,Boston Dynamics,humanoid robot,anthropomorphic robot,mobil manipulation,A new version of Atlas, designed to operate outdoors and inside buildings.  It is electrically powered and hydraulically actuated.  It uses

Робот атлас Boston Dynamics будущее рядом песочница Atlas Robot

Atlas, The Next Generation,Science & Technology,robot,legged locomotion,dynamic balance,Boston Dynamics,humanoid robot,anthropomorphic robot,mobil manipulation,A new version of Atlas, designed to operate outdoors and inside buildings. It is electrically powered and hydraulically actuated. It uses