Shut Up & Dance -- At The Movies!!,dancing, movie tribute, shut up and dance, walk the moon,This is / танцы :: видео (video)

видео танцы 

Shut Up & Dance -- At The Movies!!,dancing, movie tribute, shut up and dance, walk the moon,This is a sort of re-do of a wonderful tribute video I found sometime last year, discovering this (ridiculously catchy) Walk The Moon song at the same time. The original was put together by the clearly talented Youtuber , but as is the way with these things sometimes, it was eventually taken down. Luckily someone else had had the video itself saved but had other music to accompany it, and it just wasn't the same to me. So I got hold of the video, put the proper "Shut Up an Dance" underneath it, and the joy of the original fantastic work is there to behold again. Let's just keep our fingers crossed it can actually stay for awhile. Speaking of, if you're here from the link on my Youtube page... welcome! Thank you for bothering to follow that little trail of breadcrumbs, and enjoy the show :)
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— I'm 11 so shut the fuck up Remix,Music,I'm 11 so shut the fuck up Remix,I'm 11 so shut the fuck up,so shut the fuck up,I'm 11,music

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I'm 11 so shut the fuck up Remix,Music,I'm 11 so shut the fuck up Remix,I'm 11 so shut the fuck up,so shut the fuck up,I'm 11,music