BOOK OF SPELLS ingarbium eiiio^a The Lata*' Charm if ipells; learnt! ^ШЫ\\ Gesture ‘This lebitation spell 1ШО specific bobj> mobements (a SlbtSb anb flick), anb correctlp speaking tfje magit spell luorbS: IDingarbium icbiosa.
/Incient Art of /Hagic pr* ' -a - wb.-zmj*M± <*г#- - 4*Ф *uM Chapter У £> e^crip+ion e most basic farm of Occlumencp inbolbeS aring one s ntinb - making it "blank anb " - in orber to prebent a Legilimens mg one's emotions anb tljougbts. b Occlumencp inbolbeS ^ -tbe thoughts, modes that tooulb r it is an Ocdumens limenS to beliebe; ions that Occlumencp is being person is lying. Ж requires otoer, as toith resisting begree is also buell a cipline. influence
rk Arts 6r)c^clopebia
красивые картинки,art,арт,Harry Potter,Picolo-kun,Gabriel Picolo, Picolo
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