Магозинка тоже отменяется, настоящему задроту нужно дома целыми днями сидеть, чтоб когда на улицу выходил так как вампир орал от того что глаза солнце режет )))
League of Legends Cinematic: A New Dawn,Games,,Day breaks over a landscape consecrated by blood and steel. A battle begins as a new dawn rises.
Behind The Scenes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q40IfQbYlSw
Dawn of War III – Announcement Trailer,Gaming,,Step into the nightmare of brutal galactic warfare with the Dawn of War III worldwide announce trailer!
Watch the battlefield come to life, and death, as you’ve never seen it before as Space Marines, Eldar and Ork slip ever deeper into the darkness of
Dawn of War III - Prophecy of War,Gaming,,It’s a race to the pointy stikk as Gabriel Angelos, Farseer Macha, and Gorgutz ‘Ead’unter command their massive armies in a search for a mythical weapon that can control the fate of their races! With the Space Marines, Eldar, and Orks all hunting for the sam