Rescued hedgehogs simultaneously enjoy meal,Pets & Animals,viral videos,cute videos,cute / детишки :: ежики

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Rescued hedgehogs simultaneously enjoy meal,Pets & Animals,viral videos,cute videos,cute animals,animal videos,funny and cute animals,hedgehog videos,rescued hedgehogs,enjoy meal,These 8 young hedgehogs were found and rescued after they lost their mother. Here we see them adorably enjoying a meal after hours of extreme stress. They're so cute! Source & embed code: For licensing, please email
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Только бы у меня не было столько детей.Иисус умоляю......
ты же не кролик верно?
а от чего спасли? От суровой действительности?
yaarche yaarche 07.09.201610:49 ответить ссылка 0.0
в принципе да: These 8 young hedgehogs were found and rescued after they lost their mother
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