Now, that goes He1» taping that thrilling number. "Serenade / sonny

sonny песочница 
Now, that goes
He1» taping that thrilling number. "Serenade <n Peep Major" with the new portable, battery-operated Sony Videocorder
It records both fveture and sound. (The camera weigh» only 6 pounds The recorder pack ¡int 12.)
you to operate ft. And costs only •t can do Jutt about everyth.«*
Now, that goes He1» taping that thrilling number. "Serenade <n Peep Major" with the new portable, battery-operated Sony Videocorder It records both fveture and sound. (The camera weigh» only 6 pounds The recorder pack ¡int 12.) you to operate ft. And costs only •t can do Jutt about everyth.«* one those gargantuan mobile video un>ts can do. Maybe even more. It doesn't have yards ot power cable to t« <t down. (Ono thm cable connects fho Camera and Recorder. Hut's all,) So it can go up in a plane and tape aerial views ol potential factory sites Tag along on an archaeological e«p*d<t«on. Or on a trip to the too with a bunch of first graders. Or it can oven wiggle into tight places and crawl beneath machinery to record damage. (So enty one person has to get r*s clothes dirty.) Anyone can operate tn»s Sony Videocorder. Ail its level controls are fully automatic. And there's a TV monitor right inside the camera. So If* almost impossible to botch things up. (It you manage to do it anyway, no sweat. The tape Is reusable.) The nicest thing about the Videocorder: when you come back with everything behind you. it instantly lets you tune it an in front of you. SONY* PORTABLE VIDEOCORDER*
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