rAM U a dyed-in-the-wool Communist. Three are only $ million party mem-btn lik* Kim in all Ru / плакат :: пропаганда :: старинные картинки

старинные картинки плакат пропаганда удалённое 
rAM U a dyed-in-the-wool Communist.
Three are only $ million party mem-btn lik* Kim in all Russia. yet throe Com-munUt braaa-kata enforce tho iron dictatorship of tho Kremlin over 200 million Russian*.
He’» »old to tho hilt on Rod ideas. Which meant ho'» out to ge< you. Ho believe* it'» cither
rAM U a dyed-in-the-wool Communist. Three are only $ million party mem-btn lik* Kim in all Russia. yet throe Com-munUt braaa-kata enforce tho iron dictatorship of tho Kremlin over 200 million Russian*. He’» »old to tho hilt on Rod ideas. Which meant ho'» out to ge< you. Ho believe* it'» cither you or him... that the world b too email for both. Ivan if working hard to beat you down. Ho ha* a big bead »tort. Right now h«’» got you in a bod »pot. Ivan ¡a afraid of only one thing. Ho fear* your ability to out-peoduco him in gun», tank», plane*. Frankly, ho doeon't think you value your free *y*tem enough to do it ... to make willingly the sacrifice» be ha» »queered out of the Ruaaiana. But ho’» wrong! Because you and all of ua have set out to build more and bettor weapon*—to do it fauter all the timo. We mu*t uto every bit of know-how and inventivo »kill we have to improve our machine* and methods—to turn out more and more for every hour we work. Only in this way can we become militarily etroog. But we've got to supply essential civilian need» as well. We can't allow needleat shortage* to take pokes skyrocketing and lower the value of our dollar. Sure, tha t means sacrifice* for every body. But doing this double job well is tho only sure way to stop Ivan in his tracks—and to savo tho freedoms which are our* and which be has never known. JFREE... this important booklet teilt you bote our American Syttem Crete Great How AnrioM developed M-ter machina». power and 1UI1 to build • (nal nal lew... \S>.y ItowtrrrommmtoAoytrbotlroge-'Khy w* must eipaad our productivo capacity. .. auppdy arma and caamUal civUiaa wo hava tem aldo to produce »cd», too. Head how It*. dynamic peoc-I «• worVa in tree booUcT. “Pa Mirado of America.-ceidoncd by (epmaemtativea )tow tho ha. ton u. tha wvrtl» ef labor. Send for lithmt Uv»* standi. >o«r imecopy today! MtlLTIIC OOtTOM- •'i‘ TbaAdw.tt.ua C—orU. I w, Í10 A. Alt* SC. Deac »- T. .V» Tarb IbTxr. Or TMi oAeortitomont, opproteA by wswiwiaiiwi of uamiwuat, labor onA tbe public. It pubtirkeA In lAa notional intent! McGRAW-HILL PUBLISHING COMPANY (M m«w»a *r* eee*( 1W
старинные картинки,плакат,пропаганда,удалённое
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1. От чахотки (туберкулеза) ежегодно умирают сотни тысяч людей. Грязное, сырое и темное жилище—рассадник туберкулеза. , —•
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Граждане! делайте себе противохолерные прививки. Только против прививни ———* бессильна смерть.
WEAR MASKS rAM U a dyed-in-the-wool Communist.
Three are only $ million party mem-btn lik* Kim in all Russia. yet throe Com-munUt braaa-kata enforce tho iron dictatorship of tho Kremlin over 200 million Russian*.
He’» »old to tho hilt on Rod ideas. Which meant ho'» out to ge< you. Ho believe* it'» cither yo

старинные картинки пропаганда удалённое

rAM U a dyed-in-the-wool Communist. Three are only $ million party mem-btn lik* Kim in all Russia. yet throe Com-munUt braaa-kata enforce tho iron dictatorship of tho Kremlin over 200 million Russian*. He’» »old to tho hilt on Rod ideas. Which meant ho'» out to ge< you. Ho believe* it'» cither yo