Cities in the Future must try to eliminate blight, congestion, and dome providing city-wide air co / :: retro science fiction (#retro sci-fi) :: Fred Freeman :: :: Fred Freeman :: разное

#retro science fiction Fred Freeman 

Cities in the Future must try to eliminate blight, congestion, and	dome providing city-wide air conditioning and protection from
air pollution. An artist's idea of a future city shows a great plastic	the elements. A monorail would provide transportation.
„ H			
			*,retro science fiction,#retro

Cities in the Future must try to eliminate blight, congestion, and dome providing city-wide air conditioning and protection from air pollution. An artist's idea of a future city shows a great plastic the elements. A monorail would provide transportation. „ H *
retro science fiction,#retro sci-fi,разное,Fred Freeman,,,Fred Freeman
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■HMki xVhL' чк/		Hká I ^Y\|tfPv\ i fl
		\ \ i i\4 ’а*р&р *, # j*Wj tai ¡'

retro science fiction,#retro sci-fi разное Fred Freeman Fred Freeman

■HMki xVhL' чк/ Hká I ^Y\|tfPv\ i fl \ \ i i\4 ’а*р&р *, # j*Wj tai ¡'
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