хочу прикупить электронную книгу дюймов на 6 решил остановится на вот такой вот соньке PRS-T1,как думаете стоящая вещь или можно что нить получше взять? ориентируюсь на 6000-7000р
C hapter 5 Within a íhurt walk of l.onf^xmm ll\<d a fatntlv wicli whom the Brno*% weir particularly intkni.it»* Sir Williiim Lucí» hail been fornirrlv In tr*V in MetytQCL where Ы hin! nude* a tolerable forturv. anil ris*ti ti> the honour <if knighthood by an *1с1к*цч to tin* king during hiv mayoralty. Ihr distinction bid ptfhap* bem felt tiH> vtronu.lv It had fllvvn him а ifogutt ti> ht% luisanevv шк1 to hit rwldfflfc in a vnwll irurket town: and. in quitting thctn both he Im I removtxl with his latnil) to л house about a mile from Mtt>lott. drooininited from that period LwttlS I xxjgf. where he <ixilil think with pleasure of his own importance. and umlmtklrd by txBlnrvk iki n|>% hinvsrll solely in bring civil to all the world For. though elated l>> hi* rank. И did not render him supereiliixjs. on tl»e contrary, he wa% all attcitfion to everybody. By nature inoffensive. friendly, and Obllgftg. Ins présentation at St. Jamesv Kid mack- him i ooileou* l ady Iaicm was a very good kind of wonun ikiI coo clever so be a vahublr neighbour to Mrv Kennet SONY < > A О *
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