We Go Wherever We Want / Игровой арт (game art) :: Yula568 :: deviantart :: Primordia :: Игры

Primordia Игры Игровой арт deviantart Yula568 

We Go Wherever We Want

Primordia,Игры,Игровой арт,game art,deviantart,Yula568

Комментарий автора:

Primordia - We Go Wherever We Want
by Yula568
Fan Art / Manga & Anime / Digital / Games ©2013-2017 Yula568
Aaawww... I felt like the first time I saw Transformers!
PRIMORDIA is a little adventure game from Wadjet Eye Studio.
The story:
Earth is a wasteland. Victim of the war and

Ссылка на работу автора: https://yula568.deviantart.com/art/Primordia-We-Go-Wherever-We-Want-349319213


Primordia - We Go Wherever We Want by Yula568 Fan Art / Manga & Anime / Digital / Games ©2013-2017 Yula568 Watch Aaawww... I felt like the first time I saw Transformers! PRIMORDIA is a little adventure game from Wadjet Eye Studio. The story: Earth is a wasteland. Victim of the war and destruction of humans. Only robots remain, who remember "Man" as their creator; their god, who made them to His image. Human is a myth, a tale, a religion. Our hero Horatio lives in the middle of the rusty dunes with his trusty little sidekick Crispin. Their life is simple and peaceful, until a strange, violent robot cuts a hole into the ship and steal their power core. Whitout it, they will slowly die, so Horatio and Crispin follow the trail of the thief into Metropol, the Last City. Here they learn many things, including Horatio's past, and human's fate. GREAT tale! GREAT characters! Just love Horatio and Crispin (throw me anything you want, I love the little guy)!! V Crispin: "I got AAARMSH!" * (he don't have arms from the beginning, and he complains for it a lot to Horatio) This pic was made about the best ending of the game. Horatio, Crispin and Clarity © Wadjet Eye Mink!!*
Primordia,Игры,Игровой арт,game art,deviantart,Yula568
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