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Flame Throwing Drone Helps Remove Net on UHV Power Line,News & Politics,CCTV,News,China,UHV,power line,Drone,When faced with certain objects twining round an ultra high voltage (UHV) power line, workers no longer need to climb a high ladder to remove it any longer, drones can now be used to do the dangerous deed. Maintenance workers in Xianniang City in central China's Hubei Province demonstrated the removal of a 12-meter long nylon net entwining around a UHV with a flame-throwing drone on Tuesday. "In the morning, our inspector found a foreign matter on the line. Through investigation, the nylon net was brought by strong wind, and severely affected the line’s safe operation. We’ll use a drone to deal with the emergency to ensure safety," said Feng Qi, head of Xianning power line maintenance station, Hubei power transmission and transformation project company. Workers flew the flame-throwing drone towards the net, spitting fire at about four to five meters away from the nylon net and burnt it to the ground. In ten minutes, the power line resumed its normal operation. More on: http://www.cctvplus.com/news/20170222/8043739.shtml#!language=1 Subscribe us on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/CCTVPlus CCTV+ official website: http://www.cctvplus.com/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/cctv-news-content Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NewsContent.CCTVPLUS Twitter: https://twitter.com/CCTV_Plus
Drones used to Burn Rubbish off Power Lines by Power Company in China,News & Politics,Drones burn Rubbish,Drones Clear Power Lines,Drones use Flame,Drones use Fire,Power Lines,Drones,Power Company,China,FLAMETHROWING drones,Xiangyang,Nebraska-Lincoln University,Power,Wires,Fire,Rubbish,Clean,Technology,drones burn,High Voltage,Power company use FLAMETHROWING drones to burn rubbish off high-voltage wires A power company is using modified drones to clear waste from power lines The modified UAVs are decked out with flamethrowers The method is said to be safer and more efficient for power workers. If you see flames flying through the air in the Chinese city of Xiangyang, don't be alarmed. A forward-thinking power company has revealed how it is using flame-throwing drones to clear rubbish off high-voltage wires. Workers are shown flying one towards debris on a line and destroying it with fire. Apparently Chinese lanterns, kites and plastic bags regularly find their way on to overhead power cables. One worker said that the flame-throwing drones are much more efficient as it means that they don't have to climb poles. As the cables are ultra high-strength, the fire is said to have no impact. The Chinese company isn't the first to attach a flamethrower to a drone. Nebraska-Lincoln University created a fire-starting drone to ignite ‘control fires’ in grassland and forest areas. Drones Clear Power Lines Drones clean power lines using Fire Technology Fire-spewing drones burn excess plastic down from electrical wires. High Voltage
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Комментарии 8 29.05.201702:47 ссылка -3.0
Это уже натуральный, боевой дрон.
Сейчас это видео покажут в дур"думе" что спровоцирует новый виток дроно-истерии и новую пачку законо-запретов.
Ancifero Ancifero 29.05.201703:28 ответить ссылка -3.0
Все мы видели нечто похожее в Vice City. Я вот все жду новостей о теракте с закладкой динамита дроном.
Une4ka Une4ka 29.05.201703:37 ответить ссылка -3.8
Сука, нахуя ты напомнил!?
Больше всего интересно, чем разрешится наличие 2х фактов - множества дронов с камерами во время массовых мероприятий и существования дронов, с которых сбрасывают обычные гранаты.
10111 10111 29.05.201710:41 ответить ссылка 0.4
Хороший дрон для розжига пламени революции.
private private 29.05.201706:59 ответить ссылка 0.1
а откуда там вообще эти сети берутся?
Если это учения, то их туда закинули.
А если не учения, то занесло сильным ветром.
Только зарегистрированные и активированные пользователи могут добавлять комментарии.
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