Предложить деловую колбасу - should be served on business occasions to show respect? Sometimes the / busine :: stack exchange

stack exchange busine песочница удалённое 
Предложить деловую колбасу - should be served on business occasions to show respect?
Sometimes they say "offer salt & bread" to present as welcome; there is also деловая колбаса -business sausage? - what do they mean exactly and can you say "предложить деловую колбасу" analog to "предложить хлеб
Предложить деловую колбасу - should be served on business occasions to show respect? Sometimes they say "offer salt & bread" to present as welcome; there is also деловая колбаса -business sausage? - what do they mean exactly and can you say "предложить деловую колбасу" analog to "предложить хлеб и соль" on business occasions? (and as symbol for 4 willingness for a good deal, because of the "offer" - предложение"). 1 To explain the relationship of these terms, there is a phrase "all what is in the stove, on table swords" (I do not know the context why swords are important, maybe because of "who comes with a sword, will die from a sword") but if in ancient times they took bread out of the stove, nowadays you would take from refrigerator a sausage, probably for scientists the doctor sausage (докторская) and for business people the business one (деловая). The pejorative connotation with sausage is more clear on example of "sausage emigration". культура share improve this question edited Jun 14 at 10:57 shabunc ♦ 14k • 2 • 35 • 73 asked Jun 13 at 12:33 asked 16 days ago viewed 227 times active 8 days ago BLOG Q New Stack Overflow I Launch Today ____ Love this s Get the weekly newslettc • The week's top questic я принимаю ваше предложение
stack exchange,busine,песочница,удалённое
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@Futidori came Предложить деловую колбасу - should be served on business occasions to show respect?
Sometimes they say "offer salt & bread" to present as welcome; there is also деловая колбаса -business sausage? - what do they mean exactly and can you say "предложить деловую колбасу" analog to "предложить хлеб и

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Предложить деловую колбасу - should be served on business occasions to show respect? Sometimes they say "offer salt & bread" to present as welcome; there is also деловая колбаса -business sausage? - what do they mean exactly and can you say "предложить деловую колбасу" analog to "предложить хлеб и