красивые картинки :: Fantasy (Fantasy art) :: Robbie Trevino :: art (арт)

Robbie Trevino Fantasy art красивые картинки 

While a common sight on my travels in the Redlands, their purpose has yet to be revealed. Flesh and tech intertwined, moving about and working as one. Material found and material forged, functioning in perfect harmony. A people as much a part of their technology and architecture

THZ F®ILK ®F ®LK While a common sight on my travels in the Redlands, their purpose has yet to be revealed. Flesh and tech intertwined, moving about and working as one. Material found and material forged, functioning in perfect harmony. A people as much a part of their technology and architecture as it is of them: this sort of "flesh-tech" is found at their very core. Despite all the information I’ve been able to gather throughout my time here, the exact age of these mysterious and intriguing people still remains unclear. It is well documented, however, that they were the first to inhabit these lands. The first to mine its resources and to co-exist with its many parts. The first to grant the handprint of history on its red bleached earth. From as close a distance as possible, I have observed their rituals of the old: channeling information and archiving it in ways I still struggle to comprehend. As they carry out their weighty tasks, they do not seem to mind my presence. Whether it is out of single minded focus or the absence of threat I do not know, but I will take advantage of it all the same to see what tales they may have to tell.
Robbie Trevino,Fantasy,Fantasy art,art,арт,красивые картинки
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