TOP 10 ZITS - INCREDIBLE FLYING PIMPLES -,People & Blogs,All pimples of the world,TOP 10 / ух :: прикол :: ржака :: смотретьвсем

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TOP 10 ZITS - INCREDIBLE FLYING PIMPLES -,People & Blogs,All pimples of the world,TOP 10 ZITS,INCREDIBLE FLYING PIMPLES,All pimples,pimples,zits,zit,acne,pimple,Flying pimples,flying pimple,flying zits,flying zit,flying acne,pop pimples,pop pimple,pop zit,pop zits,popping pimples,popping pimple,popping zit,popping zits,a pimples,a pimple,a zit,a zits,pimples of the world,All pimple,How to popping pimples,How to popping zits,blackheads,the pimples,the pimple,the zit,the zits,the acne,"All pimples of the world" channel - Is it possible to push white and pustular acne ? Few of us, passing in front of the mirror is constrained from attempting to touch the problem areas of the face. We propose to consider whether it is possible to press the pimples on the face, nose, forehead and chin, as well as the process of pushing dangerous during pregnancy. Why crush the acne ? During the transition age (14 years) and simply for problem skin of the face, occasionally on the epidermis pimples, blackheads and comedones (purulent wounds). These formations are a clogged pore, which is due to the large number of sebum, dirt and grease begins to become inflamed. Next is the contamination of a particular area. At the point of injury there is redness, itching, inflammation, begins to actively stand out the pus. Thereafter, the process proceeds to the active phase, when Golikova education go deep into the skin. Depending on Your immunity status of the person, lifestyle, the process of cleansing from pus lasts from a day to weeks. In this period we begin to push the ripe pimples. Why is it dangerous to press pimples ? This occupation is dangerous to do, not only during pregnancy but also during normal state of the organism: 1. With incorrect pressure and close proximity of blood vessels, You can clog blood vessels, than you can create more suppuration; 2. If you squeeze the pimples with unwashed hands, it is a very high risk of infection. Many "experts" squeeze out the pus to the blood, in this case, You can catch really dangerous disease; 3. The biggest problem after squeezing pimples is scarring, this is especially true in areas where the skin is thin and tender (under eyes, on lips, temples). To avoid this use a special device for pressing of pimples, work only with clean hands. Many experts, on the question of whether to squeeze the pimples, the answer is that you can, especially pustular on the back and face. It is not only unsightly, but also dangerous, it can break in unexpected moment for You than to expose the health dangers. But before beginning the process, ensure that pimples is not a signal of a serious disease of internal organs. How to press pimples ? Consider the basic rules of dermatologists how to squeeze pimples: 1. Wash, treat all face degreasing tonics, wait until they dry; 2. Disinfect hands. Many estheticians work in a sterile gloves and cotton wool – it's more convenient and safer; 3.Gently press the pimple. You should see a small dot in the pores, this means that the "problem" has ripened; 4. As close as possible put your fingers to the pimple, and push it. Push on the outer part, namely the inside, trying to squeeze the root; 5. When You clean time, it should be clear clean skin, if you can see a piece of white substance, the root was left inside and soon the pimple will remind myself backslide; 6. After the procedure, again wipe the face tonic. Refrain from using creams, toneloc and powder to avoid flooding the cleaned area, let the pores breathe. It is worth remembering that you can not push all the pimples. For example, it is strictly prohibited to squeeze the pimples from the chicken pox. First, it is useless, because inside the body are exactly the same. Second, if small watery blisters themselves will come down on its own leaving no trace, after extruding You will have scars after scabies. Anoint the problem areas with green paint and breathe the fresh air, it will help. It is Not advisable to squeeze the pimples on the healing tattoo. At this point, this site is especially vulnerable to infection, in addition could be inflammation from the paint. Be careful, treat pimples and blackheads with Bepanten, Panthenol, Lifeguard. The ugly pimples when demodicosis, they are inflamed pus formation, which are very sore and itchy. To deal with them is almost impossible. You need to go to the doctor or dermatologist who will prescribe You the talker. If You doubt whether you can push with white pimples on the face, it is better to ask in the clinic, it is possible, it is a sign of liver disease or gastritis. See also the new playlist -
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Комментарии 6 12.08.201708:40 ссылка -8.0
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ddx2 ddx2 12.08.201709:55 ответить ссылка 0.4
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