YoußaJg Q. Browse GoPro HD: Bungee Jumping - TV Commercial - You in HD jjfr СэО FVO. О Subscri / комментарии :: YouTube

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GoPro HD: Bungee Jumping - TV Commercial - You in HD
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Shot 100% on the HD HERO® camera from GoPro® http //GoPro com
Check out the fun and friendly 8ungee jump
YoußaJg Q. Browse GoPro HD: Bungee Jumping - TV Commercial - You in HD jjfr СэО FVO. О Subscribe 2S4 videos - 4 i** * + Add to - 1.623,575 Upttstfcd By 0<*oC***r* eo Jut t. 201J Shot 100% on the HD HERO® camera from GoPro® http //GoPro com Check out the fun and friendly 8ungee jump expenence from Whistler and enjoy one of GoPro's summer commercials airing on national TV stoked1 Show more 1,421 Kes. 71 deHces Ф A* Seen On TV Cofwner cel Seri®» Top Comments I would never bungee jump i came into this world because of a broken rubber and i'm not go»ng out cause of one mctoi6>»4 1 montti ago 2$8 ^ Я никогда не прыгну с этой штуковиной... моя жизнь началась благодаря порванной резинке, не хотелось бы и заканчивать ее также
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Extreme Bagpipe Bungee Jump GoPro HD: Victory in Tignes - Winter X Games Europe 2012,Sports,,Shot 100% on the new HD HERO2® camera from

Winter X Games Europe is over but the celebration is not!  Congratulations to the rockstar GoPro athletes who brought home 6 medals from Tignes 2012!  Enjoy their victories

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GoPro HD: Victory in Tignes - Winter X Games Europe 2012,Sports,,Shot 100% on the new HD HERO2® camera from Winter X Games Europe is over but the celebration is not! Congratulations to the rockstar GoPro athletes who brought home 6 medals from Tignes 2012! Enjoy their victories