Salve Regina: A Templar Chant (Lyric Video),Music,Ensemble Organum,Marcél Perez,templar,crusader,gregorian,chant,crusaders,terra tremuit,templiers,da pacem domine,salve,regina,hail holy queen,salve regina,Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/adorationcross ------------------------------------------------------------------- About The Chant ------------------------------------------------------------------- The Knights loved our Lady tremendously and this song said to have been composed by various authors such as Hermann of Reichenau, and Bernard of Clairvaux. It was one of their favourites. They felt they could do anything while under the Virgin’s mantle. Traditionally sung after Compline, the Salve Regina has an interesting legend associated with it: “Jean l’Hermite dreamt that Bernard of Clairvaux heard the entire hymn sung by heavenly choirs; he then repeated the words to Pope Eugene III. In an extension of this legend, it is reported that Bernard visited the great cathedral of Speyer in 1146. When he entered the cathedral, he reverenced Our Lady’s statue, chanting: “O thou deboner, o thou meke, o thou swete maide Marie.” Martin Luther found it to be too extravagant where it concerns Mary, but Peter Canisius wrote that “we praise God in Mary, namely, the work that he has done in her, when we turn to her in song.” However, this type of debate was better left to the theologians. As a Knight Templar, all you knew was that it put fire in your veins and inspired you to fight for your homeland. This chant is performed by CIRMA/ Ensemble Organum lead by Mr. Marcel Pérès Website: https://organumcirma.com/ Chant's Text : ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Salve regina misericordie Vita dulcedo et spes nostra salve. Ad te clamamus exules filii Eve. Ad te suspiramus gementes et flentes in hac lacrimarum valle. Eya ergo advocata nostra, illos tuos misericordes oculos ad nos convente Et ihesum benedictum fructus ventris tui nobis post hoc exilium ostende. O clemens, o pia, o dulcis Maria. Alpha et omega misit de superis gloriosum solamen miseris, cum Gabriel a summa gerarchia paranimphus dicit in armonia: Ave Virgo Maria. O clemens, o pia, o dulcis Maria. O pastores pro Deu surgite, quid vidistis de Christo dicite. Reges Tharsis de stella visione sint testes in apparitione: Ave Virgo Maria. O clemens, o pia, o dulcis Maria. Fons humilis, aquarum puteus, rosa mundi, splendor sydereus, amigdalus Aaron fructuosa, precantibus esto lux gloriosa: Ave virgo Maria.
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