Elfirium - Noise / Kusanagi Motoko :: Motoko Kusanagi :: Scarlett Johansson :: Ghost in the Shell :: Ghost in the Shell (Призрак в Доспехах, GitS) :: :: #Music&Atmosphere :: Music&Atmosphere (Atmosphere&Music, музыка, music, M&A) :: Actors and actresses :: Elfirium :: noise :: breakbeat :: Electronic music :: cyberpunk :: Elfirium :: Johan Philip Asbæk :: noise :: Electronic music :: breakbeat :: Adwoa Aboah :: :: music video :: Johan Philip Asbæk :: musicvideo :: celebrities :: Adwoa Aboah :: music video :: Anime :: фэндомы :: Anime (Аниме) :: fandoms

#Music&Atmosphere musicvideo Ghost in the Shell Scarlett Johansson Motoko Kusanagi cyberpunk Electronic music breakbeat noise Elfirium ...фэндомы Anime Johan Philip Asbæk Adwoa Aboah 

Elfirium - Noise

Elfirium - Noise,Music,#Ghost In The Shell,#GITS,Pilou Asbaek,Scarlett Johansson,Adwoa Aboah,electronic,Motoko,Mokoto Kusanagi,trance family,cyberpunk,ambient,cinematic,Rupert Sanders,edm,breakbeat,Noise,Elfirium,https://soundcloud.com/elfirium/noise "What's the difference, huh? Fantasy, reality, dreams, memories. It's all the same, just noise ... " This Batou's phrase formed the basis of this composition. He is the hero of the movie "Ghost In The Shell", whose role is played by a wonderful actor Johan Philip Asbæk. This words set a certain mood, being an important and interesting issue of the cyberpunk. After that, the incomparable voices of Scarlett Johanson and Adwoa Aboah added depth and atmosphere to this music even more. I thank all the creators of this film for the amazing spectacle and the magnificent visualization that perfectly contributed to my immersion into this digital world of the future and amazed me with its colors and effects. The font «Hacked», created by David Libeau, was used in the design of the title for this composition.
Music&Atmosphere,Atmosphere&Music, музыка, music, M&A,фэндомы,music video,musicvideo,Ghost in the Shell,Призрак в Доспехах, GitS,Anime,Аниме,Scarlett Johansson,Motoko Kusanagi,Johan Philip Asbæk,Adwoa Aboah,cyberpunk,Electronic music,breakbeat,noise,Elfirium,#Music&Atmosphere,fandoms,music video,Ghost in the Shell,Anime,,Actors and actresses,celebrities,Kusanagi Motoko,Johan Philip Asbæk,Adwoa Aboah,,Electronic music,breakbeat,noise,Elfirium
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