Американец опубликовал восстановленный архивный фильм ВС США / туннельные крысы :: видео (video)

туннельные крысы видео 

Американец опубликовал восстановленный архивный фильм ВС США

«Туннельные крысы» (англ. Tunnel Rats) — неофициальное название специальных подразделений в вооружённых силах США, Австралии и Новой Зеландии во время Вьетнамской войны. Они были специально созданы для действий в подземных туннелях, вырытых вьетнамскими партизанами. Первое подразделение «туннельных крыс» было сформировано в 1966 году в 25-й пехотной дивизии американской армии. В дальнейшем такие части создавались во всех американских дивизиях, воевавших в Южном Вьетнаме, а также подразделениях ВС Австралии и Новой Зеландии.

В «туннельные крысы» набирались добровольцы невысокого роста с устойчивой нервной системой. Их задачей было проникновение в подземные туннели противника, поиск там важных документов и размещение зарядов для подрыва. Каждый боец был экипирован пистолетом и фонариком, иногда — портативной радиостанцией и противогазом.

На видео, опубликованном американцем Джеффом Квитни на своём YouTube-канале, показано проникновение американского солдата в туннель. Голый по пояс боец вооружён только пистолетом M1911A1 и фонариком Fulton MX991/U. Пробираясь по подземным коммуникациям, американец тщательно осматривает их на наличие мин и ловушек.

Vietnam War Tunnel Rats 1967 US Army; from "Your Army Reports",Science & Technology,education,educational,documentary,history,film,Vietnam,war,tunnel,rat,rats,tunnel rats,US Army,army,Viet Cong,Viet Nam,Viet Nam War,.45 caliber,automatic,Colt .45,M1911A1,United States,1969,1960s,60s,combat,sapper,sappers,Military,booby trap,butterfly bomb,pair,team,underground,VC,National Archives,Big Picture,disarm,search,search & destroy,guerilla warfare,warfare,South Vietnam,Southeast Asia,Indochina,classic,retro,vintage,footage,oldie,archive,Vietnam War playlist: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLF7FC7A2D880623F7 more at http://news.quickfound.net/intl/vietnam_news.html "Tunnel rats" in Vietnam. From "Your Army Reports" No. 10; "The Big Picture" TV-713. Reupload of a previously uploaded film with improved video & sound. Originally a public domain film from the US National Archives, slightly cropped to remove uneven edges, with the aspect ratio corrected, and one-pass brightness-contrast-color correction & mild video noise reduction applied. The soundtrack was also processed with volume normalization, noise reduction, clipping reduction, and/or equalization (the resulting sound, though not perfect, is far less noisy than the original). http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tunnel_rat Wikipedia license: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ The tunnel rats were American, Australian and New Zealand soldiers who performed underground search and destroy missions during the Vietnam War. Later, similar teams were used by the Soviet Army during the Soviet war in Afghanistan... Vietnam War During the Vietnam War "tunnel rat" became a more or less official speciality for volunteer infantrymen, primarily from the United States, Australia, and New Zealand. Their motto was the Latin phrase "Non Gratum Anus Rodentum" - "Not worth a rat's ring". Since the 1940s, during the war against the French colonial forces, the Viet Cong had created an extensive underground system of complexes. By the 1960s there were underground hospitals, training grounds, storage facilities, headquarters, and more. The Viet Cong, who were crack forces highly skilled at guerilla warfare, might stay underground for several months at a time. The tunnels were their territory. Whenever troops would uncover a tunnel, tunnel rats were sent in to kill any hiding enemy soldiers and to plant explosives to destroy the tunnels. A tunnel rat was equipped with only a standard issue .45 caliber pistol, a bayonet and a flashlight, although most tunnel rats were allowed to choose another pistol with which to arm themselves. The tunnels were very dangerous, with numerous booby traps and enemies lying in wait. Often there were flooded U-bends in the tunnels to trap poison gas. Underground, gas could be a very deadly weapon, and a tunnel rat might choose to go into the tunnels wearing a gasmask as it would be impossible to put one on in a narrow tunnel. But more often than not, a tunnel rat would take his chances without a gasmask, as it made even harder to see, hear, and breathe in the narrow, dark tunnels. The tunnels presented many potential threats; enemy soldiers manned holes on the sides of tunnels through which spears could be thrust, impaling a crawling intruder. Not only were there human enemies, but also dangerous creatures, such as snakes (including venomous ones - sometimes placed there as living booby traps), rats, spiders, scorpions, and ants. Black-Bearded Tomb Bats (Taphozous melanopogon) and Lesser Dawn Bats (Eonycteris spelaea) also roosted in the tunnels, though they were a harmless nuisance if awakened. Due to the confined space, the tunnel rats disliked the intense muzzle blast of the comparatively large .45 caliber round, which would often leave them temporarily deaf, and it was not uncommon for them to use whatever handgun they might find. The Soviet-made pistols the enemy carried were particular favorites, but they were rare, and the soldiers would often have someone at home send them a civilian pistol or revolver. Among the favorites were the smaller German Luger or less-common double action Walther pistols, both chambered in 9 mm. Many of these were brought home by American troops returning from World War II. Others would trade their pistols for revolvers used by other personnel. Many used improvised suppressors on their pistols to further reduce the noise. A particularly favored weapon was a specially modified Smith & Wesson Model 29 known as the "quiet special purpose revolver". Unlike the standard Model 29, which fires a .44 Magnum cartridge, the quiet special purpose revolver instead shot a specially designed quiet captive-piston cartridge sized as a .410 shotgun shell. The cartridge resembles later Soviet efforts such as those used in the OTs-38 revolver In addition, that made the revolver lighter and more useful in a tight, confined space...
туннельные крысы,видео,video
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Как по мне это самая ужасная военная специальность.
Odin Odin 18.08.201806:12 ответить ссылка 10.5
Супер, особенно попасть в водную пробку-ловушку

Проволочный телефон Американцы
остпми проволоку * тсимел** после турка, пока П0ЬС**КГ*О-*ЧО-тюлси сд елани ые из нес въетгмсние рюкмт
Продовольственный склад. Кая
правила ет о«ру-жали $лст«и*и.
ЖЫрина пжие-
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йодная лро<6ка. Зл^дм
тонне* от гэ?з К*це ас*и
Шип27 Шип27 18.08.201808:04 ответить ссылка -5.7
Гуки! Эти чертовы гуки научились минусовать даже здесь!
Шип27 Шип27 18.08.201814:32 ответить ссылка -0.4
jorjio21 jorjio21 18.08.201806:55 ответить ссылка -5.4
клевый канал
oi82 oi82 18.08.201807:41 ответить ссылка 0.0
Хм, комикс есть про бывшего "крыса"-карлика. Хорошо, что напомнили. Пойду прочитаю еще раз...
Renogan Renogan 18.08.201813:36 ответить ссылка 0.1
Бля посмотрел фильм приступ клаустрофобии начался жру успакаиващие, спасиб реактор познавательный.
Пиздец, конечно, работка.
Только зарегистрированные и активированные пользователи могут добавлять комментарии.
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