Tumblr Titanic,People & Blogs,Tumblr,Titanic,porn,ban,Video creator: @4o4tales on Twitter! The end has finally come for Tumblr, destroyed by Puritanical "family values" and corporate profits. As one of the "porn" blogs built on Tumblr, I am just as upset as everyone else to see it commit suicide. And, like the passengers on the Titanic, some are leaving the ship for new life, while others are passing silently away with the ship. I'm leaving for better waters. You can find me at fagsworshipalphas.com, here, and on Twitter @alphaworshiper. Godspeed, intrepid travelers!
tumblr,titanic,видео,video,видео недоступно
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Даже кнопку включения приделал, а то одно время вилкой контакты замыкал чтобы стартануло :D
Если по делу, то пора вводить тег "депресняк", который будет выдаваться автоматом к тегам "всё плохо", "полилота", "нет покоя ебанутым" и подобным.