POCrBAPflMfl Looks below parallel Avoids eye contact, and looks away immediately if accidental co / омон :: Росгвардия

Росгвардия омон удалённое 
Looks below parallel
Avoids eye contact, and looks away immediately if accidental contact
Perceives eveiy oncoming face in hits petipNeiy as 'looking at him
Too polite, gives too much space for oncoming traffic
But secretly hates people vrt>o walk slowly wt>en sKJc by stfc
POCrBAPflMfl Looks below parallel Avoids eye contact, and looks away immediately if accidental contact Perceives eveiy oncoming face in hits petipNeiy as 'looking at him Too polite, gives too much space for oncoming traffic But secretly hates people vrt>o walk slowly wt>en sKJc by stfc Struggles to find comfortable hand form Might be too tense and rigid Walking pace/form lacks fluidity because he struggles to 'autowalk" -analogous to always manually breathing Walks too fast Compulsively needs to pass anyone walking slightly slower than him Long strides overreact to wind craned forward agoraphobic symptoms Back slouched Stiff, straight arms Little arm movement Bonus: Clothing is all neutral coloured Wears running shoes Only wears black coats Stands with a weird posture Is insecure about how he walks Has figured out he always look everyc eye at once at all ti Does not register the emotions or feelings of others a' all Int .tonally slaps and x ba rs incoming traffic to \ ms his own path \ Hair has been firmly fastened to ever react to wind or any laws of ysiques Head is at a perfect vehicle mgle at all times never heard a song in entire life Arms constantly flailing in confident, unpredictable ways Hands always prepared to grab ^ fertile pussy Walking form is poised like a Greek statue, perpetually in contrapposto Rapidly tiptoes around like in "going to the store" Does not feel the need to pass anyone because he’s already brutalized everyone nearby into submission Tiny beetle-like stride \ Back is so straight you could measure structural foundatK with his spinal cord MANDATORY: Wears visually-painful bright neon attire $3000 highlighter boots from Giuseepe Zanotti Does not wear a coat, is immune to cold No one alive can insult his posture and get away with it Does not read stupid shit drawn by Quentin
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Комментарии 1 16.05.201918:58 ссылка -6.1
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