I he nnanaui ■ ... galerieulata). be found in Eastern Asia China Taiwan Japan and Korea. Mandarin / утка :: один в один :: птицы

птицы утка один в один 
I he nnanaui <>■	...
galerieulata). be found in Eastern Asia China Taiwan Japan and Korea. Mandarin Duck is a medium sized bird.
It is 41-49 cm long. Mandarin ducks are known as one of the most beautiful and the most colorful birds. It usually inhabits areas near lakes, ponds and rivers.
I he nnanaui <>■ ... galerieulata). be found in Eastern Asia China Taiwan Japan and Korea. Mandarin Duck is a medium sized bird. It is 41-49 cm long. Mandarin ducks are known as one of the most beautiful and the most colorful birds. It usually inhabits areas near lakes, ponds and rivers. Mandarin duck eats uarious seeds. Insects, worms, snails and small fish. Wood Duck iQfirhw8$u^um{jtaunTiJ £n*cu:nmjfiGifaLiarai«Dweu\j’j uTiuivl'u^uii'nRViwilvioiihi nn^tutifiu 2tthhi;vrat:\is\}nnim ntfu 'ifiLitiarinunqcGitfuoylu Oiswu nSuipuo^itfnjeu^m wuauarulnijTnacftiariua:: O'Wft The Wood Duck or Carolina Duck (Aix sponsa) is a species of perching duck found in North America. The u»es( const of the United States and western Mexico. Wood Ducks have a unique shape among ducks a boxy, crested head, a thin neck, and a long, broad tail. mate augS. iW0cvis 3nn$MUfu; m»u Tf>tJ&uiluun ifothtuinlvicywjfl luihsivmivtu Tmmivi \Jwwitu 76 - 80 *.jj. It had white pattern around the eye and head. QS'Q^wva'tEjauwasSwnnu * j itiuifwft ttatiihjunviwfj mowTiAUTaPOAt™ Male ducks has most colorful In breeding season. Mandarin ducks are symbol of fidelity 3nd great love in China and Korea because of their mating habits. tfmYhJumnnflnflU nrurtroujolfiinim 48 fl.JJ. It’s a medium sized bird. It's long 48 cm. vtlflfaana-njTjmJu MCiuvritnAuUilffi A typical adult is from 47 to 54 cm. length with a wingspan of between 76 to 80 cm it’s a biggest duck in Thailand. • vfouflcftonauvu «sSehmtflEnou Wood duck has good skill to fly avoid the trees.
птицы,утка,один в один
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China’s latest military drills | Area covered in August 2022 drills Area covered in May 2024 drills Source: China Central Television (CCTV) □□□