Толу Goldmoik X‘ White privilege is very real, and | acknowledging the problem is the first step ■gw A- r»i» 1 White people: This isn't about us. This isn't 1 | about us. This isn't about us ШЯ white people are awful like we really are the worst zotie VklUMnquMn all of us white people are extremely privileged • BEN $*5егв>лже there's no such thing as racism against white people. Я Толу Go'dmer« Zxtyjo ar.vx Яс9се> а «стал* @QSKSw @DJSoundBite I'm Jewish. |*,,?»ИГ# Л- filna I don't want to sound too controversial, but I'm a Jewish person. Ы eol»y Iron* my ancestors were Jewish! •• Ж zofie okittrer'jucen 4h proud of my jewishness. proud of who i am. И Ш Be invoice I always remember my mom te ng us as kids that we were not white. *we just looked white." * Л- *=<«IOVb i have never experienced racism ever and | thats because white people cant experience I racism__________________________________ Simon Jaitor до« A- Polew dear fellow white people We are not being oppressed the playing field is just being equalized. 8 WO • OUCRm* I don't appreciate my white privilege nearly as much as I should. Aaron Grcenblatt P, @AaronGfi;<-nbl;i! White people: We were the first illegal immigrant A ,-i -vair.fr, im a Jewish atheist ■ Simon Jester =/>;»/ m to Qnxrxnnso @justinjm1 I’m part Jewish BWO ПНЛг Who said it v/as a argument? I’m Jewish & Aaron Greenblatt %■ @AaronGreenblat Uhhhhh...l'm not white...I Jewish...
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