Makuta Kojol / Brotherhood of Makuta :: Lego Custom :: Lego MOC :: Bionicle :: Кликабельно :: Kojol :: Лего (Lego, LEGO,) :: Kodiak

Kodiak Bionicle Лего Lego Custom Kojol Кликабельно Lego MOC Brotherhood of Makuta 

Makuta Kojol

fe.©(E>6ßd	ёяШШЁ^^Ш è	л • •• *'/МШш *л^В
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I •у таШ *vt>w ■ я '£Ж • Ллр. ^		‘ ^РШ^Ы ' jJ^HI ^Мм	Щ,Kodiak,Bionicle,Лего,Lego, LEGO,,Lego Custom,Kojol,Кликабельно,Lego MOC,Brotherhood of Makuta

Kodiak,Bionicle,Лего,Lego, LEGO,,Lego Custom,Kojol,Кликабельно,Lego MOC,Brotherhood of Makuta

Kodiak,Bionicle,Лего,Lego, LEGO,,Lego Custom,Kojol,Кликабельно,Lego MOC,Brotherhood of Makuta

 fe.©(E>6ßd ёяШШЁ^^Ш è л • •• *'/МШш *л^В ш©шш ^ • К||| I •у таШ *vt>w ■ я '£Ж • Ллр. ^ ‘ ^РШ^Ы ' jJ^HI ^Мм Щ

Kodiak,Bionicle,Лего,Lego, LEGO,,Lego Custom,Kojol,Кликабельно,Lego MOC,Brotherhood of Makuta
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Her physical strength is increased in presence of the elemental light that the light matorans eminate and retains the charge for some time.
Like other makuta in the swamps, she was exposed to the mutagen.
Naturally, when Takanuva
appeared on Karda Nui she couldn't resist his
starting her pu

grakata733 artist Lego Custom Lego MOC Лего,Lego, LEGO, Brotherhood of Makuta Bionicle Кликабельно

Her physical strength is increased in presence of the elemental light that the light matorans eminate and retains the charge for some time. Like other makuta in the swamps, she was exposed to the mutagen. Naturally, when Takanuva appeared on Karda Nui she couldn't resist his starting her pu