Wholesome Parrots Dancing // Animation MEME,Film & / wholesome parrots dancing :: видео (video)

видео wholesome parrots dancing 

Wholesome Parrots Dancing // Animation MEME,Film & Animation,Animation,ToonZee,toon,boom,art,digital,film,minecraft,parrots,dancing parrots,wholesome dancing parrots,meme,music video,wip,minecraft meme,original characters,funny animation,Okay, I couldn't stop watching wholesome Minecraft parrot videos so I made this just so I could keep watching it. I think I have a problem sos XD ----I'm not one to claim "original", however, if you take inspiration from my video please credit because I wanna see lol. I can't get enough wholesome parrots. ----- Characters: Peridot (Peri), a Pomeranian who loves photography and capturing the environment. Aquamarine (Mari), a Golden Retriever who saves memes way too often. Parrot belongs to Peri lol. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Original Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rB7XFQgJHBI Eheh, the not original song lol: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ejv0Gk-mGko ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This video was animated with Toon Boom Harmony Premium and edited with Adobe Premiere Pro cc. Follow me on Instagram @_toonzee_ for weekly art posts, updates, and more! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Maybe this is another cry out because I want a bird so bad ahah. One day... one day (: #minecraft #animationmeme
видео,video,wholesome parrots dancing
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Комментарии 1 01.10.201917:26 ссылка -0.1
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