The Virgin An+i-SJW Thinks liberals ore left wing Gross foce Thinks SJWs ûctuolly occomplish things very depressed Regurgitates the same arguments over and over Never leaves the internet has no idea how the world actually is. Claims to be against identity politics but constantly gives into it “I'm an Egalitarian. I'm for REAL equality'“ "I'm Anti-SJW Anti-feminist, pro logic. I don't give a fuck about your feelings Watches MLP Love to call himself “red pilled" Gets bothered by everyone who disagrees with him Mocks SJWs for needing “safe spaces" but is in his own Anti S Jw safe space Borderline racist/sexist Gets all his info from youtubers and tumblr blogs. Never read a book on anything. Ignores or defends White Notionalists in his “movement" The Chad SJW Has never watched MLP ever Challenges gender nouns on a daily basis Beautiful multicolored hair Glorious clean face Foolish, but still wants to do the right thing Actually doesn't give a fuck about men's feelings. Will always call out TERFs and NaziFems Cares more about male victims of rape than antisjws
SJW,Virgin vs. Chad,meme,anon
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