This is a character called Sasuke from an anime who supposedly has the power to balance ANYTHING on / игрушка

игрушка удалённое 
This is a character called Sasuke from an anime who supposedly has the power to balance ANYTHING on top of his head, scroll to the bottom and BE AMAZED.
Upside down?,игрушка,удалённое
This is a character called Sasuke from an anime who supposedly has the power to balance ANYTHING on top of his head, scroll to the bottom and BE AMAZED. Upside down?
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Все равно он гей
ixekon ixekon 25.08.201213:51 ответить ссылка -0.1
Karabas Karabas 25.08.201213:56 ответить ссылка 0.1
Morkol Morkol 25.08.201214:26 ответить ссылка 0.1
Ахахаха, это же как нужно было извращаться)))
Altravin Altravin 25.08.201215:53 ответить ссылка 0.0
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