Christmas Tree Catches Fire || ViralHog,People & Blogs,viralhog,Occurred on December 26, 2019 / / елка :: Филиппины :: пожар :: видео (video)

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Christmas Tree Catches Fire || ViralHog,People & Blogs,viralhog,Occurred on December 26, 2019 / Cebu City, Philippines I heard a popping sound and someone screaming. When I turn around, I saw the Christmas tree burning! I was quite shocked but managed to take a video of the incident using my phone. Thanks to the security guards who responded immediately and helped each other put out the fire, further damage was prevented. But, it was very sad we had to say goodbye to the Christmas tree too soon, just right after Christmas day. Contact to license this or any ViralHog video. Make money from your videos! Submit footage here: Subscribe, Like, or Follow ViralHog: YouTube: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter:
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блят, 20-ый, я понял что нам пиздец, остановись!
Nick59 Nick59 07.01.202005:12 ответить ссылка 0.0
Раз, два, три - ёлочка, гори!
Pupinsky Pupinsky 07.01.202019:53 ответить ссылка 0.0
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