Juggling in Half-Life Alyx is so Satisfying!,Gaming,half-life alyx,VR,virtual / Half-Life Alyx :: Игровое видео :: Half-Life :: Игры

Half-Life Alyx Half-Life Игры Игровое видео 

Juggling in Half-Life Alyx is so Satisfying!,Gaming,half-life alyx,VR,virtual reality,juggling,mills mess,juggling in vr,mills mess juggling,half life alyx,half-life alyx gameplay,half-life alyx juggling,valve index,chrisquitsreality,vr juggling,virtual reality juggling,juggling in virtual reality,half life alyx gameplay,half life vr,Half-Life Alyx not only delivered in every aspect that makes a great VR game but also just so happens to have some of the best physics in the business. I've experimented with juggling in many other VR titles however things feel just wonky enough to not work properly. Half-Life Alyx is the first game I've encountered that feels good enough to pull some stuff off, that being said it was not easy! Most of these took over an hour to nail, I know to to perform everything IRL and had to relearn all the tricks and tweak everything to get them to work in VR. Biggest issues was the hands trying to grip literally everything, objects flying crazy when thrown, stuff not grabbing correctly, things breaking when juggling ect. was a nightmare. Capturing this was difficult and I did the best I could. Generally while juggling you stare at the top of the arc however that looked terrible when being recording so I tried to look at my hands as much as possible. The aspect ratio changes because I noticed later on that using the Steam VR view and adjusting it that was allowed more of the vertical view to be shown which makes things much easier too see. There was loads of stuff I wanted to do and attempted to do but simply could not get it too work. I worked on a 4 ball cascade for a couple hours but it was too unpredictable. Many 3 ball variations could not be performed since you can not have more than 1 object in your hand at a time however I did get the "Mills Mess" after about an hour so that's a plus. I am really stoked at how it turned out and I feel like all the hard work was worth it! Show me some love and let me know what you enjoyed best!! Juggling in Half-Life Alyx is so Satisfying! Juggling in Half-Life Alyx is so Satisfying!
Half-Life Alyx,Half-Life,Игры,Игровое видео
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после всех этих видео, я тоже хочу ВР.
korall korall 01.04.202018:38 ответить ссылка 0.4
K-2SO K-2SO 01.04.202018:44 ответить ссылка 0.8
Да да. Вот именно так я и выгляжу.
korall korall 02.04.202002:54 ответить ссылка 0.0
Я удивляюсь, что после всех этих видео кто-то хочет пробежать эту игру без VR
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