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INDUSTRIAL DANCE | Amphi Festival 2019 | Ciwana Black,Travel & Events,industrial,dance,industrial dance,amphi,amphi festival,cybergoth dance,cybergothic dance,cybergoth,cybergothic,dancing,goth dance,gothic dance,noisuf x,grufti stil,phosgore,dein licht,industrial music,industrial dance music,ebm,aggrotech,*Watch in HD* ↓ OPEN FOR MORE INFO ↓ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ♡ Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/ciwana_black - ♡ Blog/Website: https://ciwana-black.jimdo.com/ - ♡ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ciwana.black/ - ♡ Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/Ciwana-453525201350808/ - ♡ Merch: https://teespring.com/stores/ciwana-black-store ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The industrial dance video we made at the Amphi Festival 2019 in Köln/Cologne - Tanzbrunnen. :) It´s not perfect, since the short amount of organization time and the pressure to get it edited before my pregnancy makes it impossible, but I hope you enjoy it anways. Thank you to everyone who participated!! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- My Amazon Storefront: *https://www.amazon.de/shop/ciwanablack Gothic Clothing Hoddie: *https://amzn.to/2QudqmP Waist bag: *https://amzn.to/2Qy8de4 Pants: *https://amzn.to/2DaH9xC Gas Mask: *https://amzn.to/2RGTayI Cyberlox *https://amzn.to/2yZpW7r Cyber Goggles: *https://amzn.to/2RLeS4J Re-Agenz hood *https://amzn.to/2Cp8N8v *If you buy something through this link, I get some money from Amazon. You do NOT pay anymore and support me! Thank you! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If I accidentally filmed you and you are not happy with it, please send me an Email, so that I can blurr you out of the video! Ciwana.black at gmail.com ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music: Phosgore - Dein Licht & Noisuf-X Grufti Stil ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - I HAVE NO ASSOCIATION WITH ANY COMPANIES MENTIONED IN THIS VIDEO UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED
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Комментарии 3 17.04.202003:07 ссылка -8.0
слишком долгое видео. раньше как было? показали по паре секунд каждого, и всё. а тут костюмы даже у некоторых отсутствуют. мдя..
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Affinity Affinity 17.04.202011:17 ответить ссылка 0.0
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what my friends think i do what my parents think i do what musicians think i do what society thinks i do what i think i do what i really do CYBER GOTH