SENIOR official's son died direr his Ferrari apparently dur- - - _ vcл session with rw о u omen in / лучший заголовок

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SENIOR official's son died direr his Ferrari apparently dur-
-	- _ vcл session with rw о u omen in x.unJ-LT ro shake L hinj s
ai elite-
„■» (3u. »tose rather is a loyal pres if« Ни Jintao. was .; хяс u -xhcd injured in the
-	- Beaccording to re-
j i-nuked Mid his passen-
SENIOR official's son died direr his Ferrari apparently dur- - - _ vcл session with rw о u omen in x.unJ-LT ro shake L hinj s ai elite- b ТЛЯЮ TAHI8 „■» (3u. »tose rather is a loyal pres if« Ни Jintao. was .; хяс u -xhcd injured in the - - Beaccording to re- j i-nuked Mid his passen- gers were naked or half-dressed, suggesting the\ had been involved m a ‘high speed sex game*, an unnamed ofiiciaj ro.Td the South China Morning Post. Details of the March accident ha\e onh just emerged through Hong Kong outlets, a sign ot official tears that the public will be outraged by another instance of excess and recklessness among the country's power elites. The incident follows the jailing last month of a partv leader's wife who poisoned British businessman Neil Hewvood. * The Post’s report came just da\s after the Chinese government announced the dead man's father. Ling Jihua, had been transferred to a new position, a move that analysts sa\ Ни a> China's --О r:. ended his ambitions tor a post in the shuttle w .ported as г Лог* fa upper ranks of the top leadership \eader-m-w: X1 The\ said the shift appeared linked Uu's camp, to his son's scandalous death. Political otoeeners -a *. Vj* He w as removed a> a senior direc- move, whik nol & ie tor of the Communist par\\' s central committee and installed as new he ad of a work department, with his old job going to a dose all\ of \v Vtn- txon, ckailv removes '■ centre ol power This feoan *c\vk caused his aepyvw. vV * ping - the man expected to replace о e Keep Dublin tidy - Please recycle this Metro Herald when you are finished with it
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6 имен существительных,- полет для фантазии
nop1984 nop1984 06.09.201217:48 ответить ссылка 0.3
SEO в печатных издания
Igrek Igrek 06.09.201218:02 ответить ссылка 0.3
главное что изображение к новости сильно подходит :D
MoVir MoVir 06.09.201218:25 ответить ссылка 0.0
Хочу пойти купить выпить
Artemius Artemius 06.09.201219:42 ответить ссылка 0.0
перевожу: смертельный инцедент из-за секс оргии в китайском феррари
MoVir MoVir 06.09.201220:20 ответить ссылка -0.1
то, что нужно для новостей:
- пиздец за границей
- бабки
- ебля
А что ещё нужно быдлу?
MOHCTP MOHCTP 07.09.201207:09 ответить ссылка 0.0
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