Duke Nukem ForeverQuest,Entertainment,,So finally, after months of difficulties in life, the / DN :: video

video DN песочница 

Duke Nukem ForeverQuest,Entertainment,,So finally, after months of difficulties in life, the longest video made so far on this channel is done, telling the story of Duke Nukem's struggle to take back what is rightfully his! Oh, and I suppose there's a side story somewhere in there involving a recently killed Machinima guy who's friend is working to return him to the living so he can continue to make videos or something. ENJOY! Music list: 00:05: Fire Planet - Lapfox Trax 00:10: Trigger - Lost Without Cause 00:40: Dance of the Hours - Amilcare Ponchielli 02:32: Singapore Omega Lab Ambient - Deus Ex: HR OST 04:15: Kitten with a Whip - Batman Arkham City OST 04:53: Chicago Theme - Timesplitters 2 OST 05:53: Sunset Heroes - God Hand OST 06:42: Alert theme - Metal Gear Solid OST 07:36: Sunset Heroes - God Hand OST 10:38: Welcome to Bright Falls - Alan Wake OST 11:30: Musette Madeleine - Ren and Stimpy OST 12:05: Metroid Prime 'Solitude' - Zircon & C-GPO (OC Remix) Note: There are certain brief tracks littered throughout the video for cinematic effect, all of which were recorded from Batman Arkham City, and do not have a title. Other maps used: cs_suburb_beta15a.bsp rp_evocity_v1p.bsp blendtec_willitblendstudio.bsp
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■шт * *
Вывод: Реализация возможности рисования в шутере очень трудоёмкий процесс
Half-Life Alyx: Вышла спустя 13 лет после выхода последней части серии
Duke Nukeni Forever: Вышла спустя 14 лет после анонса
EDF #3: What do you thibk, Duke? Want to add something to the whiteboard?

Half-Life Alyx Half-Life Игры duke nukem forever

■шт * * Вывод: Реализация возможности рисования в шутере очень трудоёмкий процесс Half-Life Alyx: Вышла спустя 13 лет после выхода последней части серии Duke Nukeni Forever: Вышла спустя 14 лет после анонса EDF #3: What do you thibk, Duke? Want to add something to the whiteboard?
Duke Nukem Forever 2001 Slick Willy Fighting EDF Soldiers,Gaming,Duke Nukem,Duke Nukem Forever,Duke Nukem Forever 2001,Can't wait to play this also there's a clip at the end from the thread.

Duke Nukem Игры duke nukem forever

Duke Nukem Forever 2001 Slick Willy Fighting EDF Soldiers,Gaming,Duke Nukem,Duke Nukem Forever,Duke Nukem Forever 2001,Can't wait to play this also there's a clip at the end from the thread.

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T^i5	fr:
V What happens when you replace Gordon Freeman with Duke Nukem?,Gaming,,I guess Gordon could go back studying physics now.

Music:  Brandon Blume - Grabbag Megamix

Duke Nukem Игры Half-Life моды Игровое видео

What happens when you replace Gordon Freeman with Duke Nukem?,Gaming,,I guess Gordon could go back studying physics now. Music: Brandon Blume - Grabbag Megamix