Инди разработчики покидают Steam
Инди разработчики покидают Steam, потому что Valve не поддержала движение Black Lives MatterОдним из таких разработчиков стал Джулиан Глэндер, который направил письмо Valve с просьбой удалить из магазина свои игры ART SQOOL и Lovely Weather We're Having (обе игры на момент публикации имеют смешанные обзоры). По словам Джулиана: «компания [Valve] ориентируется на агрессивных белых мужчин-геймеров».
По той же причине из магазина были удалены игры других разработчиков: Jettomero: Hero of the Universe и First Winter.
Removing an app from sale To stop selling an application on the Steam store, we’ll need a little information from you so that we can make the appropriate transition for the product. Please complete the form below to submit your request. Associated Partner Account: Julian Glander Please provide details about your request, including your appID Over the past few weeks, Steam and Valve have chosen not to address the Black Lives Matter movement, failing to make even a broad and generic statement about racial justice. It's clearer than ever that the owners of this platform feel beholden to a base of angry white male gamers. This makes me especially sad because I feel that some of these people are the people who most need to hear the message of Black Lives Matter. Obviously as a company you guys can do whatever you want but I find having my games associated with the Steam platform to be embarrassing and a little nauseating. Please retire both of my games (ART SQOOL and Lovely Weather We're Having) from your store ASAP. #blacklivesmatter
Steam,Стим,Игры,новости,black lives matter
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