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Бот дискорд Девиант Оно живое без перевода 
Бот,дискорд,Девиант,Оно живое,без перевода,bot

Бот,дискорд,Девиант,Оно живое,без перевода,bot
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Комментарии 4 28.06.202014:40 ссылка 20.3
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0 KL Olivia YOU MATCHED WITH OLIVIA ON 8/15/19 If you're real say potato Heyyy you're the 1st who sent me a message on tinder Im sure you can do a better first approach ahah By the way what are you lookin for on here Im not lookin for serious stuff ahah I'm looking for girls who say potato
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tell me a joke about men Here is a joke that might be funny: Why do men need instant replay on TV sports? Because after 30 seconds they forget what happened. I hope you find it amusing! Is there something else I can help you with? tell me a joke about women I'm sorry, but I am not programmed to
	=LZ=		■ Ул/ЧпЛ х
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	=LZ=		■ Ул/ЧпЛ х