HOW FAST IS BIRIBIRI'S RAIL GUN? y-axis Time = l.Bs Initial Velocity after impact = 18m/s Final / математика :: физика :: расчет :: наука

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Time = l.Bs
Initial Velocity after impact = 18m/s Final Velocity after impact = Om/s
Since KEcar=KEcoin, we can use
KEcar=(.$)(M of car)(V of car)=KEcoin
M of coin=.005kg, so
820000=(.$ )(.005kg)(V of coin)A2
HOW FAST IS BIRIBIRI'S RAIL GUN? y-axis Time = l.Bs Initial Velocity after impact = 18m/s Final Velocity after impact = Om/s Since KEcar=KEcoin, we can use KEcar=(.$)(M of car)(V of car)=KEcoin KHcoin=(.S)(1500kg)(33m/s)=820000Joules M of coin=.005kg, so 820000=(.$ )(.005kg)(V of coin)A2 V of coin would equal about 18000m/s =40264 Miles Per Hour =Mach 53 (53 times the speed of sound at sea level) how fast does Biribiri’s Railgun qo? to find out, we have to look at wnat it does first, in episode 1, it send a car flying. Lets take a look at the anime, episode 1. The car appears to fly about 4-5 stories. Since each story is about 4 meters tall, lets assume that it flies 16 meters up. The mass of a typical car is about 1500Kg, according to various google sources. The mass of a nickel is 5 grams, or .005 Kilograms, she’s probably not using a nickel, but I don’t care. I have no idea of nip currencies. The car appears to accelerate for about 5 seconds before the coin hits it. I would assume it accelerated to about lOOkm/h, something that my car is able to do (I think; in 5 seconds. The car is then hit by the coin, which decelerates it and sends it up into the air. The anime was kind of slow motion about this time, in my opinion, so a time value cannot be ascertained from this scene, it travels in a parabolic arc and falls to the ground. to solve this, we have to divide the path of the car into x and y vectors, solve for the velocity of the car, and compare the kinetic energies of the car and the nickel, and solve for the velocity of the nickel. to begin, lets start with the y axis. velocity initial in y direction is 0 viy = 0 m/s we can solve for time, since the time for an object to fall 16 meters from the top of a parabolic path is the same time for an object to get to the top. Acceleration due to gravity is 9.8 m/sA2, but I will abbreviate to lOm/s due to it being easier to work with. X = (.5Xa)(tA2) 16m = .5(10m/sA2)(tA2) so t, time would be about 1.8 seconds. It takes 1.8 seconds for the car to reach the maximum height, using the formula vfy (velocity final in y direction) = viy (velocity initial in y direction) + (a)(t) -viy = (-10m/sA2)(l.8) Approximately 18m/s Gravity is negative, since it downwards, and in our plane, up means positive. 18m/s is the final velocity of the y portion of the path the car travels after the coin hits it. we already know the final velocity of the car in the x direction. It is 0. However, what we want is how much change the coin inflicts upon the car, which is 100 km/h to Okm/h. The value of velocity we will use for the final Kinetic energy calculation is lOOkm/h. Let's use these values to find out the vector. lOOkm/h is equal to 100000m/3600 seconds, which is about 27.8 m/s. we use the Pythagorean theorem to find out the actual angled velocity of the car when hit. (18m/s)A2+(27.8m/s)A2 = va2 v would be approximately 33 meters per second. in order to impart this, the kinetic energy of the coin traveling should be equal to the kinetic energy of the car moving. KEcoin would be egual to KEcar. KEcoin = KEcar = (.5)(mass of car)(velocity)A2 (.5)(1500kg)(33m/s)A2 would be approximately 820000 Joules. The kinetic energy of the coin has to equal this. (.5)(mass of coin)(velocity of coin)A2 = 820000J The velocity of the coin would be approximately 18000 meters per second. Let's put that into something people would understand better. 18000 (meters per second) = 40264.8533 miles per hour, according to Google. since this is at ground level, the speed of sound is 340 meter per second, so the coin is traveling 18000/340, almost Mach 53. a nickel is made out of 75% copper, 25% nickel (wikipedia). The two elements both have boiling points of approximately 2700-ish. it would definitely not stand the temperatures from air friction at Mach 53. Also, even if didn't manage to completely melt, there's no telling how much of the original mass would remain. The less mass that would remain, the faster it would have to go in order to affect the car. in conclusion, Biribiri would have to launch her coin at Mach 53, and have the coin not vaporize instantly, which is impossible. TL;DR, BIRIBIRI FIRES HER RAILGUN AT 18000 m/s, or 40200 MPH, or Mach 53, Speeds at which the coin would vaporize before it could do anything.
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