Reunion (Part 1) / Игровой арт (game art) :: game art :: RimWorld :: RimWorld :: long post :: u/Aelanna :: длиннопост :: u/Aelanna :: games :: Игры

u/Aelanna RimWorld Игры Игровой арт длиннопост 

Reunion (Part 1)

Alright, everyone.
Oh, this is your Pirst time this Par east with the caravans, innit?
We re cornin' up on a place they call Angel's Rest.
Spacer settlement, high tech. They don't really trade much, but they have the best dam Pood on the planet.
Oh, and as Par as anyone can tell,

Alright, everyone. Oh, this is your Pirst time this Par east with the caravans, innit? Yessir. y We re cornin' up on a place they call Angel's Rest. Spacer settlement, high tech. They don't really trade much, but they have the best dam Pood on the planet. Oh, and as Par as anyone can tell, the entire place is run only by women. ah, about lat, son. Do me a Qa^jor and try not to piss 'em oPP. There's a reason there's very Pew pirates dumb enough to stick around this here neck o' the woods. They may look like cute ID ladies, but they're well-trained, well-armed,
u/Aelanna,RimWorld,Игры,Игровой арт,game art,длиннопост,u/Aelanna,RimWorld,games,game art,long post
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Экспресс перевод.
Волт: Отлично, ребята. Мы почти добрались, так что собирайтесь кучнее.
Лукас: Эй, Волт, а где мы вообще?
В: О, ты же в первый раз так далеко на востоке с караваном, нтакли?
Л: Да, сэр.
В: Мы подходим к месту, которое называют Приют Ангела. Перевалочное поселение, высокотехнологичное. Не особо торгуют, но у них лучшая еда на всей чёртовой планете. А, и как говорят, заправляют там всем исключительно женщины.
Л: Только женщины, ха? Звучит как возможность повеселиться.
В: Да, к слову об этом. Сделай мне одолжение и попытайся не злить их. Есть причина, по которой здесь почти нет пиратов, кроме достаточно тупых, чтобы обретаться в этой глуши. Они могут выглядеть милыми хрупкими барышнями, но они хорошо обучены, хорошо вооружены и очень, очень опасны.
Л: Понял. Буду ниже травы, тише воды.
Хелен: Лукас? Это ты?
Л: Хелен!?
Х: Какого чёрта ты здесь делаешь?
В: О, Боже.
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So that's
it, huh? ou ,
She s really
Shell be back.
I give it at most a w—

u/Aelanna Игровой арт,game art Игры RimWorld u/Aelanna game art games RimWorld

/> s~\ Lucas! Lucas!!! Helene! So that's it, huh? ou , She s really leaving... Shell be back. I give it at most a w—
I... I had no idea you were here...
You have real nerve, showing up here a£ter all this time.

You oust up and disappeared one day, I had no idea where you went!
Yeah, because you ruined everything!
I had to go hal(>way around the world to start my liCe over!
But, why?
It was oust that one t

u/Aelanna RimWorld Игры Игровой арт,game art u/Aelanna RimWorld games game art

I... I had no idea you were here... You have real nerve, showing up here a£ter all this time. You oust up and disappeared one day, I had no idea where you went! Yeah, because you ruined everything! I had to go hal(>way around the world to start my liCe over! But, why? It was oust that one t
...and that's about it.
Celani oCten chastizes me Cor my habit oC taking in the broken and the weary.
However, I choose to do so because I see the potential those individuals could live up to
iC only someone would give them a second chance.
I can't presume to speak on matters oC broken Caith.

u/Aelanna RimWorld Игры Игровой арт,game art u/Aelanna RimWorld games game art

...and that's about it. Celani oCten chastizes me Cor my habit oC taking in the broken and the weary. However, I choose to do so because I see the potential those individuals could live up to iC only someone would give them a second chance. I can't presume to speak on matters oC broken Caith.