Reunion (Part 3) / game art :: RimWorld :: Игровой арт (game art) :: RimWorld :: u/Aelanna :: u/Aelanna :: games :: Игры

u/Aelanna RimWorld Игры Игровой арт 

Reunion (Part 3)

You Reeling better?
I met Lucas on the ship we took to get to this planet.
When we landed and Pounded a settlement, I worked with the Parmers and medics while Lucas ran security Por the trade caravans.
Our work meant that we really didn't get much time together, so in hindsight it shouldn't

You Reeling better? I met Lucas on the ship we took to get to this planet. When we landed and Pounded a settlement, I worked with the Parmers and medics while Lucas ran security Por the trade caravans. Our work meant that we really didn't get much time together, so in hindsight it shouldn't have been a surprise when I Pound out that he'd been sleeping with girls in other towns. But, it broke my heart. I cried Por days. Then, I ran away with the Pirst caravan that passed through. I eventually got separated Prom the group and ended up broke, alone, and starving. That's when Anna and Celani Pound me and took me in. I've been here ever since, trying to pay them back Por saving my liPe. When I saw his Pace again, I oust wanted to punch it so bad. But aPter the murderous rage subsided, I started remembering all the good times we had together. What are you gonna do? oust don't know anymore. I'm gratePul Por everything the Angels have given us, but now I can’t stop thinking about what I had bePore. Maybe I should have given him a second chance. What about you, Em? You have a lot oP experience with guys, how do you deal with it? Two parts pineapple ôuice, one part blue liqueur, and one part vodka. Repeat dosage until you can't Peel anything.
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Джеки: Уже лучше?
Хелен: Да... Наверное. Я встретила Лукаса на корабле, на котором мы прилетели на эту планету. Когда мы приземлились и основали поселение, я работала с фермерами и медиками, а Лукас охранял торговые караваны. Наша работа не особо позволяла нам проводить много времени вместе, так что в ретроспективе для меня не должно было быть открытием, что он спал с девушками в других городах. Но это разбило мне сердце. Я плакала днями напролёт. Затем я сбежала с первым же проходящим караваном. В конце концов я оказалась отрезана от группы и осталась одна, голодная и без гроша в кармане. Тогда меня и нашли Анна и Селани и взяли к себе. С тех пор я и живу здесь, пытаясь отплатить им за то, что спасли мне жизнь. Когда я снова увидела его лицо, мне так сильно хотелось врезать ему. Но когда желание убить его утихло, я стала вспоминать все хорошие моменты, что мы провели вместе.
Джеки: И что ты будешь делать?
Хелен: Я уже просто не знаю. Я благодарна за всё, что Ангелы дали нам, но теперь я не могу перестать думать о том, что у меня было раньше. Может мне стоило дать ему второй шанс. Что насчёт тебя, Эм? У тебя большой опыт с парнями. Как ты справлялась с таким?
Эм: Две части ананасового сока, одна часть синего ликёра, одна часть водки. Повторять, пока не перестанешь что-либо чувствовать.
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So that's
it, huh? ou ,
She s really
Shell be back.
I give it at most a w—

u/Aelanna Игровой арт,game art Игры RimWorld u/Aelanna game art games RimWorld

/> s~\ Lucas! Lucas!!! Helene! So that's it, huh? ou , She s really leaving... Shell be back. I give it at most a w—
...and that's about it.
Celani oCten chastizes me Cor my habit oC taking in the broken and the weary.
However, I choose to do so because I see the potential those individuals could live up to
iC only someone would give them a second chance.
I can't presume to speak on matters oC broken Caith.

u/Aelanna RimWorld Игры Игровой арт,game art u/Aelanna RimWorld games game art

...and that's about it. Celani oCten chastizes me Cor my habit oC taking in the broken and the weary. However, I choose to do so because I see the potential those individuals could live up to iC only someone would give them a second chance. I can't presume to speak on matters oC broken Caith.
I... I had no idea you were here...
You have real nerve, showing up here a£ter all this time.

You oust up and disappeared one day, I had no idea where you went!
Yeah, because you ruined everything!
I had to go hal(>way around the world to start my liCe over!
But, why?
It was oust that one t

u/Aelanna RimWorld Игры Игровой арт,game art u/Aelanna RimWorld games game art

I... I had no idea you were here... You have real nerve, showing up here a£ter all this time. You oust up and disappeared one day, I had no idea where you went! Yeah, because you ruined everything! I had to go hal(>way around the world to start my liCe over! But, why? It was oust that one t
Alright, everyone.
Oh, this is your Pirst time this Par east with the caravans, innit?
We re cornin' up on a place they call Angel's Rest.
Spacer settlement, high tech. They don't really trade much, but they have the best dam Pood on the planet.
Oh, and as Par as anyone can tell, th

u/Aelanna RimWorld Игры Игровой арт,game art длиннопост u/Aelanna RimWorld games game art long post

Alright, everyone. Oh, this is your Pirst time this Par east with the caravans, innit? Yessir. y We re cornin' up on a place they call Angel's Rest. Spacer settlement, high tech. They don't really trade much, but they have the best dam Pood on the planet. Oh, and as Par as anyone can tell, th