"REDS", сентябрь 1990 года, фотограф Артур Эльгорт (Arthur Elgort)Модель журнала "Vogue" Кристи Терл / старое фото :: Кристи Тарлингтон :: 1990

1990 старое фото Кристи Тарлингтон 

"REDS", сентябрь 1990 года, фотограф Артур Эльгорт (Arthur Elgort)

Модель журнала "Vogue" Кристи Терлингтон, одетая во всё красное, во время поездки в СССР фотографируется с военнослужащими...

1990,старое фото,Кристи Тарлингтон

...и с футболистами клуба «Торпедо»

1990,старое фото,Кристи Тарлингтон

(КП »■» the streets. it*» |ust а» Ы/агтс. The line« at Milkmaid's arc longer than th«e outside Unit'» mausoleum on Red Squire. (To think (hat a rcvolu-(M could be knt to a Big Mac i There 1« alto much talk at to «hen the Pizza Hut it really going to open. At the tame tune, there arc tcrnMc

Типичная одежда красных, в Нью-Йорке такой комплект обойдётся вам в 700$

A standout against a couple of standing colossi at the nineteenth-century Little Hermitage Palace in Leningrad, omwn pagi Gianni Versace’s bench coat—silk on the outside, faux fur on the inside. Coat, about $1,517. Gianni Versace. NYC, Chicago, Beverty Hills.
THtSPSCC; A more contemporary

"А это их суперзвезда эстрады, его зовут Valery", спустя годы Russian pop star Valery Leontiev  переедет на постоянное место жительство в Miami, USA 

1990,старое фото,Кристи Тарлингтон


reds (КП »■» the streets. it*» |ust а» Ы/агтс. The line« at Milkmaid's arc longer than th«e outside Unit'» mausoleum on Red Squire. (To think (hat a rcvolu-(M could be knt to a Big Mac i There 1« alto much talk at to «hen the Pizza Hut it really going to open. At the tame tune, there arc tcrnMc shortage«. Line* arc ctcry«here It it ettimaied that the average Soviet htwiscwifc «pends a total of three hourt »landing in I me ctcry day IVopIt are kiting faith in peret шика. Clearly. something's got to gite. For journalist Vitaly Korotich, editor in chKÍ of the progrcttivc Soviet weekly magazine, the Only «ay ««it of hit country 4 tulfcnng it petes tnnka. «hK'h he translates at "the «ay hack to hu manity." "For years thit country wat full of expectations." he sayt. "We had deeadet of nothing hut dreamt, we built Citizen« «ho had only dreamt Now wemu«tchangethe rules Wchaveno choice." Korotich «peak« almost matter of factly. titling on hit detk dnnking a cup t«f ctprctvo at the Opmul offices in Mokow He rt about to leave for 1 «гасI to participate in an international conference on hatted in the twentieth century organized hy Flic W'icvel. Named International FxJitor of the Year in IW) by World Press Review. Korotich hat turned a " terrible right-wing comersalive magazine''»ith a envu latum of 260.000 (" People hmighl it in airports hecauve it publithcd good puzzle«." he jokes) into a free think ing. innov ante journal that lake« on every -thing from hit country'« inflated defente budget ht it« old-fathioned socialist textbook« Ogonvot.no« ««th a weekly eireulatum of 4.6 million I it would be even larger were it not for paper shortage«), it alto known for hating published behind the чепе« report« on the war in Afghanistan. expo«*« of Stalin’« crimes, the memoirs of Khrushchev *« von Recently . u tenal ized The Spy Who Carne in from the Cold. But beyond the success of his magazine. Korotich longs foe the success of the Soviet Union, which he tecs as "the day when this will he a normal country " "All my life. I've felt a\ if we've been the guinea pigs of tome great social experiment.” he explains "Now wc'ic in the middle of yet another one ., but after year« of lisvng tn the trenches, it'« not a problem for us to «tart over again. W'c don't hase much to lose." The search for a normal life is a central motif in forty-lwsvyear-old Viktor Fxofeev'« underground novel. Mokow Beauty, which after numentí» samizdat version« will he officially published in the USSR this fall and will later come out in French. German, and Fnglith editions Set in prc-glasnost Moscow. Erofeev's surrval book follows the sexual adsenturrsof a sinking, well-meaning young worn an named Inna In her naise quest losase her eoun- Иям out tor Мм Torpodoa-ono ot Moscow's hottest toe се» Паям,—and tor Ctwwty Turlwglon. Hor outfit: I and tn sdk. by Frank Floro. Top. about »320. Skirt, about $210. Martha International. NYC: $60
reds A standout against a couple of standing colossi at the nineteenth-century Little Hermitage Palace in Leningrad, omwn pagi Gianni Versace’s bench coat—silk on the outside, faux fur on the inside. Coat, about $1,517. Gianni Versace. NYC, Chicago, Beverty Hills. THtSPSCC; A more contemporary Soviet monument—the hammer-and-sickle insignia decking a fur cap. The Western way to keep warm: Norma Kamak’s padded rayon and silk coat. About $700. OMO Norma Kamali, NYC. For dramatic eyes: More Than Mascara in Rich Black, by Est*e Lauder. Details, more stores, last pages.

1990,старое фото,Кристи Тарлингтон
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Arterton Arterton 19.09.202003:49 ответить ссылка 0.8
Танкян знает, куда нужно смотреть.
На мяч, конечно
Бенедикт в молодости за торпедо играл?
unevil unevil 19.09.202009:27 ответить ссылка 0.7
Но не задалось. Пришлось идти в актеры побираться, там меньшие требования к таланту.
Сначала подумал, что она на 1-м фото в советское ватное одеяло завёрнута. Типа такого:
MBRUS MBRUS 19.09.202008:09 ответить ссылка 9.4
возможно так и есть, "куртизанка выходит из казармы"
nickey nickey 19.09.202012:14 ответить ссылка -0.2
все таки у коммунистов был свой стиль
Не свой, а общий
Девушка в красном, дай нам несчастным. По моему песня с такими словами была, как раз в тот период
lvvvl lvvvl 19.09.202017:40 ответить ссылка -0.1
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