Fisher Hai-Luk rates your fish,Gaming,Better Name Pending,Warframe,Video / Warframe :: Warframe :: Better Name Pending :: без перевода :: Better Name Pending :: games :: Игры

Warframe Игры Better Name Pending без перевода 

Fisher Hai-Luk rates your fish,Gaming,Better Name Pending,Warframe,Video Game,Gaming,Short,Joke,Edit,Funny,Meme,Cetus,Ostrons,Konzu,Fish,Fisher,Hai-Luk,Big Fish,Unum,Vay Hek,Grineer,Penis,Yes. I made this. That's probably something for me to think about - still, October. Artists have "Inktober" or something, they draw stuff - me? Oh I celebrate the cooler video maker variant, "Cocktober". And this is how. It's a very festive season this one. Originally based on a short VA sentence mixed clip from "Astral Observer" on Discord. ✦ Video voiceover: » Bechstein#8134 (Discord) ✦ Music list: ♩♫ Wasted Silence (Max Anson - ES) ♩♫ Flower Market (Fabien Tell - ES) ✦ Twitter: ✦ Discord: #Warframe #Fish #Cetus
Warframe,Игры,Better Name Pending,без перевода,Warframe,games,Better Name Pending
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A m A,	\ / A ШшШЁ&к. Ш-	\Ч	УК-	:	J^\;
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	**4, '•			^Г У / 1	¡Lfp	Щя[Ш r Static Mirage pngs collide with other things AND BECOME GOD part 2,Gaming,Better Name Pending,Warframe,Video Game,Gaming,Short,Joke,Edit,Funny,Meme,A logical continuation of the Warframe Enigma. The only thing it took was discovering Wisp's idle animation stacks with

Better Name Pending Warframe Игры Mirage (Warframe),Mirage Prime

Static Mirage pngs collide with other things AND BECOME GOD part 2,Gaming,Better Name Pending,Warframe,Video Game,Gaming,Short,Joke,Edit,Funny,Meme,A logical continuation of the Warframe Enigma. The only thing it took was discovering Wisp's idle animation stacks with
Things are back to normal I guess,Gaming,Better Name Pending,Warframe,Video Game,Gaming,Short,Joke,Edit,Funny,Meme,Kavat,Cat,Kitty,Void Demon,Pls,Hlep,I swear I am not crazy
I mean regarding this at least

At any rate, uploads should now be more frequent, as opposed to month-long breaks in between

Better Name Pending Kavat Warframe Игры

Things are back to normal I guess,Gaming,Better Name Pending,Warframe,Video Game,Gaming,Short,Joke,Edit,Funny,Meme,Kavat,Cat,Kitty,Void Demon,Pls,Hlep,I swear I am not crazy I mean regarding this at least At any rate, uploads should now be more frequent, as opposed to month-long breaks in between