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Lucky Marine Survives Sniper Headshot By Inches In Afghanistan,News & Politics,afghanistan,afghanistan helmet cam,headshot,marine survives headshot,marine shot in head,close call with sniper in afghanistan,afghanistan combat footage,intense combat footage,sniper headshot,helmet stops bullet,helmet saves marine,thats why you wear a helmet,firefight in afghanistan,marines raid taliban,headshot afghanistan,marine hit,marines in combat,marines combat footage,close call,afghanistan war,war in afghanistan,Keep us alive by supporting us with a small one-time or monthly donation: https://goo.gl/709Nqs Marine Survives Sniper Headshot In Afghanistan | Close Call On Helmet Cam. U.S Marine survives a non-fatal headshot by taliban sniper in Afghanistan. Luckily the bullet only hit his helmet and didnt caused fatal damages. His other squadmembers also had luck the bullet didnt hit one of them. Notable is how calm they reacted to the shot. The attack was recorded on an helmet camera during a joint helicopter raid in the Now Zad district, Helmand Province. Credit for the Footage goes out to Sam Arnold. Visit his Channel for more Videos from this Helmet Cam. It is definitly worth a watch: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdVmak2hXtFDqxBQBHFlBFw/videos Subscribe to WarLeaks for more incredible intense combat footage from heavy fighting clashes and firefights from battlefields all around the world.
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