Things You'd Better Not Mix Up,The Drawing Room, Joost Lieuwma, Things, Animation, Debut film, / тупняк. :: обмен. :: video

video тупняк. обмен. песочница 

Things You'd Better Not Mix Up,The Drawing Room, Joost Lieuwma, Things, Animation, Debut film, Audience, Award, 2010, KLIK, Amsterdam, Festival,Things You'd Better Not Mix Up animated short by Joost Lieuwma Synopsis A series of things you'd better not mix up Biography Joost Lieuwma Joost Lieuwma graduated in 2005 at the Utrecht School of Arts with his animated short 'Once upon a time in my wife'. Since then he is working as a freelance animator in Utrecht. “Things You’d Better Not Mix Up’ is his first independent animation film. Length: 2 minutes 10 seconds Release Date: September 2010 Language: None Writer, Director, Animator: Joost Lieuwma Producer: Jiek Weishut Music: Alexander Reumers & Jorrit Kleijnen Sound Design: Iwan van Wijk Awards: The Netherlands: KLIK! Amsterdam Animation Festival 2010 Audience Award Portugal: IndieLisboa International Independent Film Festival 2011 Short Film Audience Award Portugal: Monstra Lisbon Animated Film Festival 2012 - Jury’s Honorable Mention for ‘Best Comic Super-Short’ Norway: Minimalen Short Film Festival 2012 - Audience Award Screened at Festivals (2010, 2011 & 2012): KLIK! Amsterdam Animation Festival Multivision International Festival of Animation Arts Les Nuits Magiques Festival KLIK! Estonia/KLÕPS festival Viewfest Go Short Nijmegen Regenburg Short Film Week Athens Animfest Roanne animation short film festival CLAP 89, festival international du court métrage Zwols Animatie Film Festival Internationales Trickfilm Festival Stuttgart Indie Lisboa Curtocircuito Fest Anca Giffoni Film Festival Seoul International Cartoon & Animation Festival Cartoon Club Supertoon International Animation Festival Jerusalem International Children's Film Festival Concorto Film Festival KLIK! on Tour programma op de VU Ideeweek Nueva Mirada International Film Festival for Children & Youth L'Étrange Festival Fantoche AnimationVolda Animasyros 4.0 Int. Animation Festival and Forum Buster Copenhagen International Children's Film Festival Ottawa International Animation Festival Golden Kuker International Animation Festival Schlingel Int. Film Festival for Children and Young Audiences Yasujiro Ozu Int. Short Film Festival Festival International du Court Métrage Lille FIKE Évora International Short Film Festival Festival Int. De Jóvenes Relizadores De Granada Tindirindis International Animation Festival Gold Panda 2011 Sichuan TV Festival Internationale Kurzfilmtage Winterthur interFilm Berlin Cinemagic Int. Film Festival for Young People Etiuda & Anima Istanbul Animation Festival Minimalen Short Film Festival Monstra Lisbon Animated Film Festival Roanne animation short film festival Anirmau International Animation Film Festival Florida Film Festival MECAL Int. Short Film Festival of Barcelona Detours en Cinecourt Open Air Filmfest Weiterstadt IAFF Krok World Festival of Animated Film Varna AniFest ROZAFA Festival du premier court métrage Festival du film d'animation pour la jeunesse For more information about Things You'd Better Not Mix Up and recent screenings please contact: The Drawing Room Jiek Weishut Verbindingsweg 15 3742 WK Baarn The Netherlands +31 (0)6 2428 4466 Director Joost Lieuwma Zonnenburg 1 3512 NL Utrecht The Netherlands
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