A nightmare, ********* This is one of those movies that's so bad. I was compelled to warn people / личное :: Истории

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A nightmare,
This is one of those movies that's so bad. I was compelled to warn people the next day. I created this IMDb account specifically for the purpose of preventing the pain and suffering that myself and my girlfriend experienced last night See the other 1 star review who
A nightmare, ********* This is one of those movies that's so bad. I was compelled to warn people the next day. I created this IMDb account specifically for the purpose of preventing the pain and suffering that myself and my girlfriend experienced last night See the other 1 star review who compared watching this movie to being in a concentration camp. At least a prisoner of war camp is character building! Painful. Torturous. NOT ironic or campy. Just horrible. My girlfriend and I feel permanently scarred from watching this horrible thing I feel bad that there is no integer rating on this review system. Giving it one star feels like I'm misleading people into thinking there is some positive element to this travesty. I will never get back those hours, and I feel like I've taken a horrible mind-numbing drug. I'm going to read some Dostoevsky now to recover what I lost.
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