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THERE IS A BEAUTIFUL, NAKED WOMAN I I %ON THIS PAGE. When you've got Sega Saturn's triple 32-bit processing power NOTHING ELSE MATTERS. / ^ \ $he's got blonde hafc blue eyes and the tpftt body noney can buy. SO WHAT! There's no time for distractions when you're deep into Se^a Saturn Betides. checJKrttt those screen shou. Badahboom. ba dab bing. know what I mean? ^ s'*. You wont curve»? Tiy Sega R*Uy! Wjr.t a thrttUpanier Dragoon II Zwei. Want a re alVnockout? Check out Virtua Fighter II. And lots of other incredibly cool gamei '/ou can pUy on Satuj/ But don't be fooled. Sega Saturn gunei offer aore than jurt great look». Like three 32*Wt processors (that's two more than Playstationif you're scoring at home - or even if you're alone). Saturn's triple processing power means better gameplay and better graphics. So if you're looking for some'rcal action. HEAD FOR SATURN. SEGA SATURN
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